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Replies to "hello @emo -- and all - my friend works at Foundation Medicine so the term "companion..."

The term "inflammation pathway" is misleading because there aren't single pathways or multiple single pathways. For example, there isn't a separate TNF inflammation pathway that is distinct from the IL-6 inflammation pathway.

These cytokines fuction in a network with other cytokines. There is "crosstalk" along with "upsteam" and "downstream" regulation and feedback mechanisms in this complex network of cytokines. This makes it nearly impossible to determine which biologic will work the "best" for any particular diagnosis.


It is a complex network to say the very least. I'm just happy IL-6 inhibition worked well for me. My rheumatologist said he made a "lucky guess" but I think he was just being humble. He explained to me why he guessed the way he did and I didn't understand a word of it.

In summary, "Disturbances in information flow may cause chronic inflammatory disease." as the link above points out. I think we are stuck with "trial and error" for the time being. Doctors can't even diagnose what inflammatory disease we have with any degree of certainty.

Just my opinion!