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@njed Ed, has any neurologist indicated how long we should continue taking the R-Alpha Lipoic Acid? I take 600mg twice a day. I have not been able to see a neurologist yet, so I am taking the RALA based on info I have gleaned from Internet, youtube, etc. I have not noticed any huge difference in my SFN as a result, but I continue to take it. Is this a regimen you see yourself continuing for life? Thanks! Mike

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Replies to "@njed Ed, has any neurologist indicated how long we should continue taking the R-Alpha Lipoic Acid?..."

@domiha Mike, great question for which I have no answer. Mayo said it might be a good idea to take....and my neuro doctor who I see yearly said why not try..,,,and a neuro doc at the University of Pa said you might want to take....but not one doctor said for how long. I want with the assumption that if it helps in any way then continue. The dilemma is do you stop taking it and see what happens or continue. Would I be worse if I never took it. The only way I can determine it helps is to stop taking it which to me doesn't make sense. IF it even slows down progression, then it's worth taking. A big if. Ed