← Return to Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

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I also am a retired nurse & being on this side of the bed is challenging to say the least. I have stage 4 inoperable pancreatic cancer in the tail which was also found by "accident" due to CT of my lungs as a former smoker. I had a mass on my adrenal gland and mets to my lungs. I am in GA about 2.5 hours north of Mayo Jacksonville. Mayo did the confirmation since I was striking out on referrals to "local" (45 min. away) gastro docs! You are so lucky to find this site early! Took me forever to find this group. The other 2 sites recommended are really helpful too (Let's Win & pancan .org). You may find your nursing research skills getting used to try & find articles that help you deal with nutrition & labs, pain management, drugs, and therapies like acupuncture (helps me), exercise and motivation.

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Replies to "Cealia, I also am a retired nurse & being on this side of the bed is..."

@199 Thank you for reaching out the info is very helpful. LOL😂 As nurses we know each other so well. In 3 weeks I have a 3 subject notebook set up. Someone said this journey is like having a job again. Appts, Phone calls, going to meetings you know you're going to feel worse coming out of the meeting.
I am VERY grateful for accidentally finding this now and I will do my part.
What are they doing for you as stage 4? Prayers always. If you need to talk to someone outside your circle message me.
I have a good ear.