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Well Good Morning to my Connect Buddies!
Today is 13 March, and the discussion regarding getting off of Prolia has happened this morning.
On 02 March, I again hit the ER with yet another chest infection; that's 3 in 4 months, so the impact of Prolia on my infection rate has been confirmed, beyond all doubt.
With this development my Respirologist and my Rheumatologist has been in the fray.
My G.P. is following my Rheumatologist's suggestion of discontinuing Prolia, and commencing Forteo.
Also, my bone density is booked.
I am feeling much relief at leaving Prolia.
I thank you all so much for your excellent suggestions and great support
As soon as this infection is done, I commence the Forteo.
So onward to better things!

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Replies to "Well Good Morning to my Connect Buddies! Today is 13 March, and the discussion regarding getting..."

Christine, if you were on Prolia for only 4 months the info below would apparently not apply. But for anyone on Prolia past 1-2 years (I am only posting this because a friend of mine just went through the consequences described):

According to McCormick's book Great Bones (page 569), and Dr. Ben Leder's You Tube lecture Combining and Sequential Approaches to Osteoporosis (minute 35) , not only does Forteo (or Tymlos) after Prolia not work, but there is a decline in bone density and strength and increase in cortical porosity and fracture risk . The only medication that can stop the rebound loss of bone density and dramatic increase in fracture risk after stopping Prolia, is Reclast or, to a lesser extent, Fosamax.