Anyone had experience with nerve stimulators for illioinguinal Pain

Posted by jjlou @jjlou, Mar 9, 2024

Expert with peripheral nerve stimulators for illioinguinal

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I don't know what that diagnosis is, but I had a stimulator for about ten yrs. I was for chronic burning pain from nerve damage from traumatic accident. At first it was very helpful, because the stimulator changed the sensation that my brain experienced as burning pain in my back and legs felt like a buzzing feeling in my back that registered in my brain as a distraction or change in the level of burning. It didn't make the burning niropathy go away, it just help distract me from the constant feeling of being on fire all day and night. But after about ten years it was not as effective and then 2 of the five electrodes in my upper spine fizzled out and I felt a tremendous chock in my upper spine where electrodes had been placed and for about a week my legs were paralyzed and I was in the hospital. Eventually I regained some function my legs and the stimulator didn't work as well as before. I eventually had to have it removed, but the electrodes could not be remove, because the spinal nerves has grown around them and to take them out would have damaged the nerves and make me a quadriplegic. I went to a Neuromodulation Society Seminar where a bunch of drs. Gaven seminars on methods of treating chronic pain and one of the drs. Had tried to remove a stimulators electrodes from his patient and the patient became a quadriplegic. I'm glad I listened to that lecture before I had to have my surgery to remove the Stim. I had to have it removed so I could have and MRI that showed I had 5 herniated disks in my back and two vertebrae out of alignment pressing in my spinal cord. My Neurosugeon Apoligized for all of the other drs. I had seen over the yrs. who couldn't understand why I couldn't walk and was in so much pain. Thank God I found a dr. Who knew what he was doing. I still have burn8ng pain, but at least I can walk better and don't have to be in a wheelchair all the time.

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