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Thank you, Sue. This is very helpful information that I have not seen any place else. Mine is usually between 87 and 94. When it's at the lower end I can raise it by deep breathing. In the doctor's office, the nurse will often try another finger... and I will take some deep breaths and no one seems concerned. But those warnings on the internet to go to the ER if it is below 90 are certainly disconcerting.

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Replies to "Thank you, Sue. This is very helpful information that I have not seen any place else...."

Something else to think about "...those warnings on the internet..." -
Who is doing the warning? What are their qualifications?
Who is their audience? Young, healthy people suddenly experiencing shortness of breath? Heart patients where low oxygen sats can indicate a sudden drop in heart function? Asthma patients who cannot get their sats up to 90, even with nebs and inhalers? Or those of us who have compromised lungs, and whose bodies have adapted to lower oxygen levels?

A triage nurse in our clinic system once told me "If every person went to the ER when "the internet" told them to, out entire medical care system would break down!"
