Diagnosed with Long Colon after colonoscopy

Posted by bborth @bborth, Mar 8, 2024

I just had this and an endoscopy done earlier in the week as part of my ongoing GI issues post reux en y surgery late '19 for bile reflux/chronic nausea. Since my surgery things have slowly gotten worse with more chronic constipation/nausea/bloating periods. The doc who did this told me I have a longer colon than normal and this could be the reason behind my symptoms now. I last had a colonoscopy done back in '19 as well and there was no mention of this. Is this just a matter of interpretation? Of course I looked this up and it can lend itself to everything I am feeling. My concern is the bad days are nor equaling the decent days which was not the case until the past 6-7 months.

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Wow sorry for what you're going through. Never heard of this condition. How old are you, and have you had issues with condtioation before this diagnosis?


Wow sorry for what you're going through. Never heard of this condition. How old are you, and have you had issues with condtioation before this diagnosis?

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I've had all the symptoms that this brings on, but just had the dx of redundant colon with my colonoscopy earlier this week. Never before has this come up with any other CT scans in the past few years and another colonoscopy back in '19. Right upper abdominal pain and clinching to the point of where it feels like a softball is inside me. Every CT scan I have had show excessive stool in my system even though I've taken linzess, and OTC motility supplements, and adhere to a low fat/low sugar diet. Similar to others here, that jammed up feeling then kicks off the feeling like crap , and not being able to go #2. My bile duct has been detached from the stomach and reattached to the small intestine to avoid the excessive bile that was building up in my stomach, hence having the surgery back in late '19.


It is what it is. I have had 5 abdominal surgeries starting with a burst appendix surgery leading to 3 incisional hernia surgeries.
Every time the surgeons go into your belly you can, and probably will develop adhesions. This could also be caused by redundant colon and adhesions.
I am to the point surgery is not possible anymore as my diverticulosis makes my colon too weak for more surgery and a resection. I have been to many specialist and surgeons to find I just have to live with my daily pain and discomfort. I am mostly on a liquid diet. Stay away from food that is difficult to go down the kitchen sink like beef, and stringy veggies.


40 years ago when I had my first colonoscopy, the gastroenterologist told me that my intestinal tract is 2 feet longer than normal. Is that Long Colon? I know I've been bothered with chronic constipation/nausea/bloating (and then every 3rd or 4th day horrible diarrhea) all my life, also my mother and her mother same thing. (Which of course, as soon as the medicos hear about mom and grandma, it's "Hereditary! Nothing can be done.")


I had a several impacted bowels before my colonoscopy in March 2023 and had to go to emergency because of the extreme pain. I then had my colonoscopy in March 2023 and about 10 days after that I started having obstructed bowels (3 times last year). I was hospitalized each of those times.

It seems very strange that my impacted bowels changed to obstructed just after have the colonoscopy but the GI specialists do not have an answer to that.


Obstructions have nothing to do with the colonoscopy. For some reason the impaction started you obstructed issues. Mine all started with a burst appendix in 2015.


Obstructions have nothing to do with the colonoscopy. For some reason the impaction started you obstructed issues. Mine all started with a burst appendix in 2015.

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The doctors didn't seem to think it was related to the colonoscopy because they never wanted to expand that conversation. So sorry you had a burst appendix in 2015.


My experience is that I’ve had a constipation problem all my life and I’m now 73.
I have sorted the At last …, it is a long and tortuous colon or redundant colon as it is often called.
I take a cosmocol sachet every day which draws water into the colon and fibre every meal but at breakfast a spoonful of chicory root fibre, plus seeds nuts fruit…
Also have gone gluten free… so far , it’s several months now I’ve had normal bowel movements daily..
Amazing 😀 try it..🤞😘


My experience is that I’ve had a constipation problem all my life and I’m now 73.
I have sorted the At last …, it is a long and tortuous colon or redundant colon as it is often called.
I take a cosmocol sachet every day which draws water into the colon and fibre every meal but at breakfast a spoonful of chicory root fibre, plus seeds nuts fruit…
Also have gone gluten free… so far , it’s several months now I’ve had normal bowel movements daily..
Amazing 😀 try it..🤞😘

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May I ask what is cosmopolitan sachet? Taking fiber everyday is a no go for me as it makes me bloated.

Glad to hear you are feeling better!


I had a several impacted bowels before my colonoscopy in March 2023 and had to go to emergency because of the extreme pain. I then had my colonoscopy in March 2023 and about 10 days after that I started having obstructed bowels (3 times last year). I was hospitalized each of those times.

It seems very strange that my impacted bowels changed to obstructed just after have the colonoscopy but the GI specialists do not have an answer to that.

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For me I became worse 24 hours post colonoscopy/endoscopy. Worse as in very plugged up/bloated, and pain upper R abdomen that then radiates into my lower back. Just feel more sickly when this happens, and basically cannot eat any solids. Am going in today for a blood draw to check enzyme levels (live/pancrease). The doc who did this procedure mentioned as you get older it is more common to have a redundant colon. So what to do about it now the question, I really don't care if this is more common as one ages (is that really true?), how I feel now at age 60 isn't acceptable for however many more years I have to live.

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