Para esophageal hernia ( stomach in thoracic chest)

Posted by healthy101 @healthy101, Mar 2, 2024

I have been managing through lifestyle changes and proton pump inhibitors my stomach being “sucked” up into my chest. Also known as an “intra-thoracic stomach”.
Anyone else living with their stomach in their chest? I don’t want to have surgery if I can avoid it. I don’t want to be on PPIs the rest of my life either. I am a 69 yrs old female. I have a large hiatal hernia. Do I need a thoracic surgeon or a general surgeon? I also have a ventral hernia from previous abdominal open surgery that I would like to have repaired. Any perspective or opinions will be much appreciated regarding managing or surgical intervention of living with an intra- thoracic stomach. Thanks!

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I had a giant hiatal hernia replacement last March. It was done by computer assist. It was the worst decision I ever made in my life. The hiatal hernia was fixed, however, I now have gastroparesis ! I was never told that anytime you have surgery involving your stomach, there’s a good chance of getting gastroparesis. It’s ruined my entire life and there is no cure.

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Same for me. It’s been awful. I tried to get into Mayo for help but my referral was denied. Trying to stay positive but every day is a struggle.



Usually it is a general surgeon that does surgery unless it involves the heart or lung. That said no matter which one make sure they are good at the surgery intended.

I used to write in a blog. Bear in mind that my situation was the rarity. This is my post about my sliding .. paraesophageal .. hernia: If you have any questions I will try to answer.




Usually it is a general surgeon that does surgery unless it involves the heart or lung. That said no matter which one make sure they are good at the surgery intended.

I used to write in a blog. Bear in mind that my situation was the rarity. This is my post about my sliding .. paraesophageal .. hernia: If you have any questions I will try to answer.


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ZeeGee, Thank you for responding to my inquiry. Your blog was very informational. You are the second person who shared their experience with having had the Intrathoracic stomach surgery ( para-esphophageal hiatal hernia). You have suffered all the things I was concerned about. I am very sorry for your suffering. I can really relate to and understand the complexities of your medical/ surgical interventions. You are a true survivor! You have helped me with my “ shared decision making”. I can’t thank you enough for your help! I pray for all of us who are living with this awful condition.


ZeeGee, Thank you for responding to my inquiry. Your blog was very informational. You are the second person who shared their experience with having had the Intrathoracic stomach surgery ( para-esphophageal hiatal hernia). You have suffered all the things I was concerned about. I am very sorry for your suffering. I can really relate to and understand the complexities of your medical/ surgical interventions. You are a true survivor! You have helped me with my “ shared decision making”. I can’t thank you enough for your help! I pray for all of us who are living with this awful condition.

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Yes, a hard journey. I think without the surgeries at Mayo I would not be here now. Life is still hard. I have an EUS (ultrasound) Friday to take a look at my common bile duct .. concentrating at the entrance to pancreas. CT scan and MRI did not show what my local doctor and Mayo doctor wanted a look at.

So far the worst pains are my ribs and my diaphragm. It is my understanding that when “the loops” pulled up it shredded my diaphragm. So they turned my diaphragm so they would have something to attach the hernia to. My surgeon said he had to use mesh .. but he used the correct kind of mesh in the correct place.



I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I can understand anytime we have to have something sewn to something else ( diaphragm ) it could cause chronic pain. I agree that if someone needs an intrathoracic stomach pulled down Mayo is the place. Mayo Rochester is where I would go if I pursue surgery. Sometimes when I lay down just right I am pretty sure my stomach is touching my heart as I can feel it. Please post back and let us know how your pancreatic outlet looks. I will be thinking of you!



Usually it is a general surgeon that does surgery unless it involves the heart or lung. That said no matter which one make sure they are good at the surgery intended.

I used to write in a blog. Bear in mind that my situation was the rarity. This is my post about my sliding .. paraesophageal .. hernia: If you have any questions I will try to answer.


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I had the surgery two months ago and am having severe nerve pain in my thoractic spine area.


I had the surgery two months ago and am having severe nerve pain in my thoractic spine area.

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Which type of surgery did you have? Nissen fundoplication? Gastric bypass? Something else?


I suggest you find a way to get into Jacksonville Mayo. Use Dr. Edwards surgeon for all of the above. I had a fundoplication with a mesh implant in June after 14 years of proton inhibitors and who knows how many tums. I had to sleep elevated for years. If I knew how much better life would be I would have done this years ago. I also use Dr Wolfson and Shayla, gastroenterology department, Mayo. Dr. Edwards in my opinion is one of the best surgeons I have ever met!


hi healthy101 , My name is Pam , I read your blog about your large hernia, I also have a large hiatal hernia, and wanted to know about your symptoms? Do you have a feeling of tightness around the diaphragm? also, do you get shortness of breath, very uncomfortable bloating, which also shows visibly in the stomach., does it also cause coughing ? I would appreciate if you would be able to tell me if you have these symptoms and whatever other symptoms you might have ? this is terrible to cope with and I hope you’re doing better i’m looking forward to your response thank you 🙋‍♀️🤙🏻


I’ve had a sliding hiatal hernia for decades. The PPI I take works 95% of the time, and I have no symptoms. Only occasionally when sleeping, but I bought an electric bed so I can raise my upper body a bit.
I don’t particularly like to take a medication forever, but it works and surgery is risky.
What are your fears about taking the medication long term?

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