DCIS do I really need an AI?

Posted by marylynr @marylynr, Jan 29, 2024

Non-invasive DCIS grade 2 lumpectomy clear margins 3 mm in size. Decision RT says no- radiation side effects outweigh the benefits. Do I really need an AI? Does anybody know the recurrence rates if I do nothing further? I can’t seem to get a straight answer. I have osteopenia so I’m not too thrilled about going on an AI and then of course the other side effects like cardiac, bone pain hair loss neurological issues etc. Everyone keeps saying you don’t have cancer its just DCIS low chance of recurring so why the treatment overkill? The more I read the more confused I get. I’m 64 and thought I was in perfect health until I had the dexa and mammo. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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First of all I send you a big hug with much love. An oncotype is predictive. I would start there. Then, for early breast cancer you can get a blood draw at your home: Signatera's
test results will tell you if you have any cancer DNA in your blood. Not getting answers from your oncologist? Please get another doctor. ❤️❤️❤️ Picture of my service dog just for fun.


I also was told I had dcis stage zero from my biopsy but then after they did my lumpectomy my pathology showed I had some invasive cancer. Even though the doctor said it was very low invasive I'm still having radiation and as far as the AI goes I really do not feel I will take it because I have too many other health issues especially osteopenia with a fracture already it's a hard call for everybody I think as to what you think you should do. I hope that whatever you decide things go well.


As I’ve been told over and over, every one is different . I am taking AI Anastrozole. Been 3 months. Many side affects…..such as joint pain, headaches, overall tiredness, mood swings. I promised that I would take until my next apt in April. I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Only had 5 radiation treatments, thank God. Going to make a decision in April if I will continue on the pill or try a new one or quit all together. I’m 72 and very active. Don’t want that to change! Good luck with your decision 🤗


@marylnr there is definitely an Oncotype DCIS and with your high ER and positive PR, you should have one done. As long as you are HER2-.

My quality of life wasn't really affected by letrozole though I am usually sensitive to meds. Everyone is different. But you could try an AI.

Tamoxifen is not an AI but is an alternative for anyone very concerned about bones. I chose an AI despite osteoporosis. Tamoxifen is usually used for pre-menopausal patients.

I had a complicated situation and got 4 opinions! If you can get a second opinion or convince your docs to order the Oncotype, you will have more answers.

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@windyshores I had a mastectomy 4 1/2 yrs ago and my oncologist never spoke about my taking Anastrozole and bone density affect. I do not think he even looked at my Dexa numbers. Of course I didn’t know about the affects Anastrozole had on bone density. Lo and behold after taking for a year, he says you have Osteoporosis when my current Dexa scan was forwarded to him. Doctors need to be more forthcoming with the side effects of medications they are doling out. I took Anastrozole for 2 1/2 yrs.
Also, my NEW oncologist ordered up an Onco test following my surgery (1+ yrs after) He told me he had wondered why surgeon or oncologist didn’t do one. I was surprised to learn they keep tissue for 7 yrs. My Onco score was low.


Yes, They have an Oncotype DCIS genetic test which will give you the percentage of reoccurrence with. Radiation & AI’s & without doing either. I had one done after DCIS that was contained in the duct. I have a 9% chance without doing anything more so I chose not to do radiation or meds. If you do radiation & have an invasive reoccurrence in the same breast then your only option is a mastectomy since they can only radiate the same breast 1 time. I was diagnosed at 62 & also have Osteoporosis so I also declined the AI’s since that can cause more bone issues. At my 6 month diagnostic & 1 year follow up mammograms so far, I’m good. I’m planning on being diligent in my screenings so if anything does show up I hope it can be caught early on.

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@rene1636 I had DCIS in my left breast 20 years ago. I chose not to have radiation, but took Tamoxifen for 3 yrs. Hair started falling out so quit it. Years later I heard, like you, of you radiate the breast once, you cannot do again. Dr. didn’t mention, but that long ago, maybe they didn’t know. I had a mastectomy (unilateral) on right breast, so like you, I get checked every 6 months, alternating between mammograms & MRI on left remaining breast. I feel my
screening is very proactive and of something shows up , it will be caught early. We all need to make our own decisions on what feels right for us , and Be Proactive. Stay strong to all of you going through this.


I am interested to know how many women on here decided not to take hormone blockers for various reasons. I am postmenopausal dcis I am on the fence as to what I'm going to do I tried tamoxifen that was a nightmare so now I'm waiting to see my doctor in May. I was only on 5mg day 2 the headache and brain fog took off and the fatigue. Headache would not subside no matter what I took. Day 3 off it finally headache relief.


I am interested to know how many women on here decided not to take hormone blockers for various reasons. I am postmenopausal dcis I am on the fence as to what I'm going to do I tried tamoxifen that was a nightmare so now I'm waiting to see my doctor in May. I was only on 5mg day 2 the headache and brain fog took off and the fatigue. Headache would not subside no matter what I took. Day 3 off it finally headache relief.

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@sue417, I moved your question to this existing discussion where @marylynr asked a very similar question.
- DCIS do I really need an AI? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dcis-do-i-really-need-an-ai/

Choosing hormone therapy is often discussed on Connect. You may also be interested in these related discussions:
- SERMs and AIs - Choosing not to take them
- Aromatase Inhibitors: Did you decide to go on them or not?
I'm sorry to hear that you are having such debilitating side effects even while taking a reduced dose of 5 mg. While you will receive multiple viewpoints from member that can be helpful, the ultimate decision is best made after having an informed discussion with your oncologist. I would ask questions specific to you like:
- For me, what are the benefits of taking a SERM or aromatase inhibitor (AI)?
- What are the risks if I choose not to continue?
- My side effects, such as _____, _____, and ____ are seriously affecting my quality of life. Would they be different or less if I switched to a different AI medication?
- What else should I know?

Each medication has a different set of side effects. Some may be more tolerable for you than other side effects. Make sure the oncologist knows what is important to you and how the side effect prevents you for doing the things you love. This will help them understand your preferences and present options that suit you.

Good luck at your upcoming appointment.


Wow you and I are very very similar and you have the exact same question as I do. I just tried tamoxifen not enjoyable bad side effects at 5 mg so now I'm back to square one I do not know what to do and I can't see my doctor until May 16th


Did you have an Oncotype DCIS? Have you seen the report? That might give you info that can help with a decision.

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I also requested an oncotype but was told couldn't have it so I'm going to have that conversation and find out why they wouldn't do it as I have dcis also had radiation and surgery do not want to do a serm or AI


I am exactly in the same boat as you but my surgery in one spot was only 1mm. I chose to do radiaion but no o hormone therapy. I have osteopena, arthritis, blood clot and heart issues. I will not compound these with potential horrible side effects. Quality of life at 66 is more important vs minimal risk of recurrence. You can't find good stats because most people cannot tolerate the meds so do not finish treatment, therefore no good stats.

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I also am in the same boat dcis I did radiation. Tried tamoxifen it was a nightmare at 5 mg so off it right now. I have osteopenia with a fracture and I have a heart condition. I want an oncotype test but I've been turned down so I'm going to ask again and ask why they won't do it I also learned of a test called signatera I think I am going to ask about that.

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