Can GERD cause shortness of breath & cough?

Posted by leelou03 @leelou03, Mar 4, 2024

I have a chronic cough, and Shortness of breath. My pulmonologist said it was my GERD, my gastro doctor said no GERD or anti reflux doesn't cause that. Well, I need to send both of them news articles, because both conditions cause the above.
I'm trying to change doctors with both of them. Has anyone else have symptoms from GERD that causes SOB or other things,? Both lung and gastro problem can cause a lot of problems for a person.
Thank you for listening. I pray everyone on here gets help they need

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Great idea! Good luck to you. Jw did you have a recent pulmonary function test done?

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Yes, I have have had a lot of tests, CT scan, MRI, Doctors can't or don't care about what to do about the chronic cough.. maybe a fresh check up with a new doctor will see something


Yes, I have have had a lot of tests, CT scan, MRI, Doctors can't or don't care about what to do about the chronic cough.. maybe a fresh check up with a new doctor will see something

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Yes. Definitely


To leelou03- I can only relate to you, my issues, and tell you that I always practiced being an active person, biking, exercising, walking, and I thought eating healthy. This whole thing with GERD, and LPR has caused me so much anxiety that sometimes I think I am going to have a coronary. My voice has changed, I can barely sing in church, I have a chronic cough, and so many secretions in my throat, that I cannot be around people, as I am embarrassed with constantly clearing my throat. I have seen GI, ENT, and an Allergist. I finally resigned myself to the fact that this is never going to go away, and I need to accept it, and do all the things they tell you to do to try and make it better. I also meditate and pray when I feel an anxiety attack coming on--not for everyone, but it helps me . God bless you in your journey.


To leelou03- I can only relate to you, my issues, and tell you that I always practiced being an active person, biking, exercising, walking, and I thought eating healthy. This whole thing with GERD, and LPR has caused me so much anxiety that sometimes I think I am going to have a coronary. My voice has changed, I can barely sing in church, I have a chronic cough, and so many secretions in my throat, that I cannot be around people, as I am embarrassed with constantly clearing my throat. I have seen GI, ENT, and an Allergist. I finally resigned myself to the fact that this is never going to go away, and I need to accept it, and do all the things they tell you to do to try and make it better. I also meditate and pray when I feel an anxiety attack coming on--not for everyone, but it helps me . God bless you in your journey.

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rosemaryhow a friend of mine had your symptoms and finally had imagine of sinuses. The ENT cleared the sinuses and her symptoms went away. Is that a possibility for you? She no longer constantly clears her throat!


To leelou03- I can only relate to you, my issues, and tell you that I always practiced being an active person, biking, exercising, walking, and I thought eating healthy. This whole thing with GERD, and LPR has caused me so much anxiety that sometimes I think I am going to have a coronary. My voice has changed, I can barely sing in church, I have a chronic cough, and so many secretions in my throat, that I cannot be around people, as I am embarrassed with constantly clearing my throat. I have seen GI, ENT, and an Allergist. I finally resigned myself to the fact that this is never going to go away, and I need to accept it, and do all the things they tell you to do to try and make it better. I also meditate and pray when I feel an anxiety attack coming on--not for everyone, but it helps me . God bless you in your journey.

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I also had lots of coughing,breathing issues . I was diagnosed by ent with lpr or silent reflux or respiratory reflux. Check out Dr. Jamie Koufmans website to understand what it is. I also researched vcd disorder and doing certain exercises helps. Coughing makes it worse and one of the exercises ,swishing your tongue over your front teeth 5 times on each side helps stop the coughing. Sounds silly but it helped me. I also drink alkaline water all day that helps. Hope u feel better. 😘


Thank you so much for your ideas. Thats the reason I joined this website. It is always good to know others are dealing with similar issues, and how they deal with it.


To leelou03- I can only relate to you, my issues, and tell you that I always practiced being an active person, biking, exercising, walking, and I thought eating healthy. This whole thing with GERD, and LPR has caused me so much anxiety that sometimes I think I am going to have a coronary. My voice has changed, I can barely sing in church, I have a chronic cough, and so many secretions in my throat, that I cannot be around people, as I am embarrassed with constantly clearing my throat. I have seen GI, ENT, and an Allergist. I finally resigned myself to the fact that this is never going to go away, and I need to accept it, and do all the things they tell you to do to try and make it better. I also meditate and pray when I feel an anxiety attack coming on--not for everyone, but it helps me . God bless you in your journey.

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Did you have covid? Plenty of us who have been diagnosed with post covid syndrome or long covid, have similar symptoms.


I have wheezing with my uncontrolled Gerd/acid reflux I wheeze, crackle even when exhaling. It’s annoying and I do it on a daily basis. I take a ppi and it doesn’t seem to help whatsoever.


rosemaryhow a friend of mine had your symptoms and finally had imagine of sinuses. The ENT cleared the sinuses and her symptoms went away. Is that a possibility for you? She no longer constantly clears her throat!

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My primary doc. ordered CT of my sinuses that showed almost complete blockage on the right , and partial on the left. Thats when he tossed a brochure on LPR at me and said this is a GI issue. GI does not believe this, so sent me to Allergy doc. A $200 nasal spray that does not work, and etc. etc. and I am now looking for a new ENT.


Did you have covid? Plenty of us who have been diagnosed with post covid syndrome or long covid, have similar symptoms.

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Interesting! I thought I had it once, but home test said negative.

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