Episodes of extreme nausea following colon resection due to cancer

Posted by mhs @mhs, Feb 25, 2024

Hello all. I’m 66 year old female. In 22, I underwent colonoscopy. I was told there was a finding but biopsy was pending. The next morning I
Was rushed to the hospital with nausea and vomiting. I was diagnosed with a blockage. Biopsy was positive for cancer. I underwent a colon resection and was glad that the cancer was contained. Since then, I’ve experienced several episodes of extreme nausea requiring visits to ER and one hospital stay. No one can figure out the cause of the episodes with the exception of high lipase which doctors ruled out pancreatitis.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?

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Right after my low anterior resection last month, I felt very nauseaus, even vomited, so they gave me medicine for that. Now at home, to help with my low anterior resection syndrome, they Rxed various meds, including one I found out is usually Rxed for patients who have chemo, to help them deal with nausea and vomiting, but I take half the normal dose. An side-effect of that med is that it can "constipates" you, which, in my case, was something we wanted because my stools had turned too watery.
Not as bad as what you've experienced with nausea.


@mhs, I want to make sure I understand. You had surgery in 2022? And since surgery, you experience periodic episodes of extreme nausea. Do I have that right?


Right after my low anterior resection last month, I felt very nauseaus, even vomited, so they gave me medicine for that. Now at home, to help with my low anterior resection syndrome, they Rxed various meds, including one I found out is usually Rxed for patients who have chemo, to help them deal with nausea and vomiting, but I take half the normal dose. An side-effect of that med is that it can "constipates" you, which, in my case, was something we wanted because my stools had turned too watery.
Not as bad as what you've experienced with nausea.

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Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to recover


Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to recover

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I hope they soon find out what causes your extreme nausea and vomiting and that there is an easy solution for it. Sending a big hug.


After removal of part of my colon and stomach I feel sick all day, everyday. My weight dropped to 79lbs.
Like verol65 I am on a drug for nausea usually meant for people enduring chemo.
In Canada, it is called odansetron. Ask your doctor about an equivalent Rx. I find it very effective.

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