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Mine is mostly fatigue & brain fog. As we all know, the fatigue is debilitating. After 17 months of LC, I can go out some. The problem is that I can never make plans because I don’t know from day to day how I’m going to feel. If I’m out, I never know when the overwhelming exhaustion is going to hit. If I let that go for any length of time, it will take me days to recover. In the beginning of this, I had driven myself somewhere. The attack hit so fast. One minute I was fine, and the next, I was overcome. I was in a situation where I couldn’t lie down to stop it, so it got worse by the second. Exhaustion, dizziness, out of breath. I couldn’t drive myself home, and by the time someone gave me a ride, I was in such bad shape that I was non-functional for three days. I got stuck in less dramatic ways a couple more times. Now I stay in complete control. I mostly no longer drive so I don’t get stuck. I have friends that have pushed me to go to lunch, come to their homes instead of them coming to mine, etc. I only put myself in situations where I can be brought home right away if I start feeling bad so I can rest, and keep it from getting out of control. Those of us with LC have so little control over what’s happening to us. I need to feel like I have some control.

I can’t fly because I can’t sit up long enough to make it through an airport. I’ve missed an overseas trip, and two more trips - all to see family, including the 100th birthday celebration of a dear relative. I can’t visit my son.

I’m a pet communicator, but can no longer do that because of my brain fog.

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Replies to "Mine is mostly fatigue & brain fog. As we all know, the fatigue is debilitating. After..."

Sorry. I missed the question about what we’ve done to treat. I’m seeing an intergrative doctor (MD) & a nutritionist. I’m on supplements & a diet filled with lots of bright colored veggies. Not a vegan diet. It just includes these things. My doctor is treating me with energy work. I’ve improved quite a bit, but have a long way to go. I had felt horrible all the time, and could be upright for an hour tops, often not that long. Now I mostly feel normal as long as I don’t do too much. I can usually sit up at the table & eat, or sit at my computer for a couple of hours. This past week I sat at my computer for a good bit of the day. I’ve gone out to stores. Sometimes I only last an hour, but I’ve also lasted for a good bit longer than that. So I’m able to do more, but the biggest thing is going from feeling awful all the time to feeling normal as long as I don’t push myself. That’s been huge for me. I do still have crashes.

@lovesgreys is it just physical exertion that really makes your fatigue out of control or being on your computer, tv or cellphone as well. I’m in my 7thweek of LC, started Jan. 15, 2024. Just realizing I have a long long way to go. Did your get more symptoms aside from fatigue, dizziness and out of breath. That’s what I’m worried about, to acquire more symptoms. I feel the same tiredness and rebound. What meds are you taking, any exercises, if any. I appreciate any pointers you can share with me. Thank you, Flors