← Return to Alcohol Withdrawal Program Required for Transplant

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Hi itsme623, were you an alcoholic and the reason I asked is that I did drink socially but had quit immediately when I found out I had cirrhosis, by the time I went for my TP evaluation, I had not had a alcohol drink for over 6 months my TP ask me if I needed help,”I said r u kidding I have been dx w/cirrhosis of the liver do you think I am stupid NO I think I am just fine”
So I did not have to enter any kind of program. I would think after a yr./blood testing you have shown you r not needing a AA program unless it is a requirement with Mayo.
Best of luck getting this taken care of I am blessed over 3yrs.💚🙏🏻

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Replies to "Hi itsme623, were you an alcoholic and the reason I asked is that I did drink..."

I truly identify with your circumstances! Like you, I was a social drinker and don't consider myself an alcoholic, but when I got to Mayo over a year ago, it had only been a couple of months since diagnosis and stopping drinking. Still, no one believes me even now. I've accepted that and am complying with everything they require.