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Recovering from knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Mar 5 8:44pm | Replies (25)

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It’s been 9 months since my TKR . I am finally starting to feel somewhat better. My pain is moderate now. I did everything PT asked of me plus extra. My Range of motion was good but my muscles would not stretch causing pain. I did water therapy 4 to 6 times a week which was a great help. Everyone is different so is their recovery. My surgeon says it will be at least a year for me to recover. I wish he had sent me to PT before surgery.

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Replies to "It’s been 9 months since my TKR . I am finally starting to feel somewhat better...."

Agree each experience is different. I am 75 had TKR 4 months ago. I did pre and post op exercises faithfully. I had ROM 0-125 immediately after surgery. I walked with no devices 2 weeks post op. All was well until 6 weeks out. I began to have terrible pain on the lateral side of the knee. PT did everything possible but could not help. Ortho offered Lyrica for pain but basically considered their job done. I was desperately seeking help. Finally I got to a compassionate physical rehabilitation doctor. He used ultrasound and found a badly damaged tendon in my knee. I am now being treated with injections and doing much better.. I have regained a positive outlook. My advice is never give up if you have issues. Skilled Physical Rehab and Pain Medicine doctors have been the answer for me.

Hi kr1 you are doing awesome … just keep moving, as long as you feel good and you are progressing no worries….just remember we are all different some people have knee replaced and are back to there life three weeks later , but for others like myself even after exercising before tkr and doing so much after , things happen … so like I said no worries , you are doing the pool which is awesome … i don’t know if you tried mfr or graston but two very good things to try if you have not helps break up scar tissue… slow and steady … this is a lifetime change after over two years I am still doing a few of main exercises along with new ones everyday. I still do mfr and graston , massage