Good Treatment Results News

Posted by jc76 @jc76, Mar 2, 2024

Thought it might be a good post to show treatments working and post some good news to help with outlook anxiety.

Started my proton radiation treatments in April of 2023 with a PSA of 3.75 Gleason score 3+4=7 and a Decipher score of low risk from orginal intermediate risk.

3 months after end of treatments in June of 2023 PSA was 1.79. 3 months later was 0.79. Now just had taken on February 28th and was 0.60. I was told goal was below 1 but might take a year or two. I am there but my year is not up until June so GOOD NEWS.

I know this cancer is a high anxiety but those of you having anxiety over wheter the treatments will work thought it would be helpful to post a post that showed YES. I know all have different outcomes and hope all eventually have such good news as I have been getting.

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Way to go! Fabulous news.

I go March 28th for my 3 month post SBRT, and currently on Orgovyx.

Stay Strong Brother


Congrats. I had radiation for 45 days in a row, plus the Lupron and I was happy to see my PSA go from 10 to 1. Unfortunately PSA went back up after a couple months to 16. So they crank up the meds. I’m philosophical about this. Simply, if the side-effects are bearable, I am having a good day. The weakness unfortunately is no fun. I accept what I can not change and my body wants to do. I’m 63 and I take it one day at a time. In my view today is all that matters, it’s this moment that is reality . You can be a billionaire and get the “best” medical treatment, your body will do what it wants. I stay informed that makes you think you have some control. I’m not giving advice here fellas. Just taking some of your good outcomes and felling content and gratitude that I can still be independent and enjoy having an intelligent mind and no major pain. Everyone has a different road.


I had PSA of 28, Gleason 9, six weeks radiation, three years of ADT. Last Lupron was a year ago. Since then I've lost 20 pounds around the middle and I have regained muscle by lifting weights. Wife often comments on how much energy I have now.

So, life is good again.


good stuff, thank you for sharing!


I had PSA of 28, Gleason 9, six weeks radiation, three years of ADT. Last Lupron was a year ago. Since then I've lost 20 pounds around the middle and I have regained muscle by lifting weights. Wife often comments on how much energy I have now.

So, life is good again.

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What did you do to lose the weight? I am on Nutrisystem and is working. I have been on it before but when I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer I started eating comfort foods and was not long before 30 lbs overweight.

My doctors want me to change my exercise routine saying my body has adapted to that level and type of exercise and I need to change it to up my calorie burning. I am 76 so upping to much is kind of hard. I do lift hand weights. I have a fitness room with tons of equipment available to me but quite frankly I am still COVID germ freak as is really busy. My wife got COVID (I did not) and spent several days in Mayo hospital.


What did you do to lose the weight? I am on Nutrisystem and is working. I have been on it before but when I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer I started eating comfort foods and was not long before 30 lbs overweight.

My doctors want me to change my exercise routine saying my body has adapted to that level and type of exercise and I need to change it to up my calorie burning. I am 76 so upping to much is kind of hard. I do lift hand weights. I have a fitness room with tons of equipment available to me but quite frankly I am still COVID germ freak as is really busy. My wife got COVID (I did not) and spent several days in Mayo hospital.

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What was the secret to weight loss on Lupron.. I gained 10 pounds after 2 years of treatment


Here's my weight-loss secret: burn more calories than you eat.

Actually, that is very simple, but definitely NOT easy to do.

First of all, I wasn't able to lose any weight while on Lupron. In fact, I gained 30 pounds while on Lupron, all around the middle. It was a few months after my final shot that I was able to lose any weight, and that was by cutting out lots of snacks, reducing portion sizes, and even skipping a meal now and then. Plus, very vigorous exercise.

Good luck to you.

I'm stuck at 20 pounds, though. I need to lose 20 more.

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