@ococean09 Procrit is a popular name for Epoetin alfa. I am given Aranesp, which is similar. This is done through my oncology center; I am also a daily dialysis patient.
Having both end-stage-renal-disease and blood cancer, it is a big balancing act! It was not my choice to get supplemental shots like this, but definitely having the treatment is beneficial to me. One of the things we can also do as a patient, is to really monitor our diet, and aim for as healthy and stable a diet as possible.
What does that mean? Good protein sources, in adequate quantities. Minimizing sodium, processed foods, calcium, potassium, phosphorous. Good hydration all the time. Consistency is the key, I find. If you don't have access to a renal dietician, please look into it. A renal dietician should look at the whole person, and help develop an eating plan, taking into account any other health concerns that may also be present. As many of us will say, we "eat for the numbers". I have lab work twice a month, once through oncology, and once through my dialysis clinic. The samples are processed through different labs, so we do take into account different machines, etc. When you have established the best values for you, in your situation, aim to keep those in line!
Any other questions?
Thank you. Stage 5 kidney disease and anemic. Am extremely worried about the side effects at her age. I wonder how they decide which shot is safest. I am making a list of questions for the doctor. We have been concentrating on hydration for sure.