Gabapentin and effexor withdrawal

Posted by jillguidry1 @jillguidry1, Feb 11, 2024

Per My Dr I am tapering off gabapentin and effexor. I was on them for fibromyalgia and didn't seem to help and they want to try new meds but must get me off these first. It's only been a few days but i can not sleep. And my body hurts. Can withdrawal happen this soon? Or is the pain from the fact that the gabapentin was actually working? I'm so confused and tired and hurting and feel horrible.

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I was on Gabapentin for sacral nerve issues and had side effects (memory issues) but also didn’t feel it was helping me. I transitioned off and on to Lyrica I had terrible pain in the transition process. I , too, thought it was helping more than I thought it was. I’m now on Lyrica and question if it is doing anything but worried if I taper off that the same thing will happen.


I am tapering off Gabapentin now. I started losing a lot of my hair, as well as other side effects. It did take the edge off the pain. I am understanding that Cymbalta does the same thing. I wish I could find something to help.


Cymbalta is an antidepressant that helps some people with pain. Gabapentin is a seizure medication that lowers the reactivity of the nervous system. It’s trial and error with most medications. You keep trying things and hope you’ll find something that helps you. Consider medical marijuana if it’s legal in your state. Unlike recreational marijuana, the medical marijuana dispensaries have pharmacists on staff who can help steer you toward different products at different dosages that would be worth trying. You’re not flying blind as you would be with a store that sells products to get you high. Good luck!


Both Effexor and gabapentin (and Cymbalta) can cause nasty withdrawal symptoms within a few hours of missing a dose if you try to stop cold turkey, but everyone is different, so some people are more affected than others. My physicians warned me about this when we considered medications because I tend to react to medications.

You mentioned you’re tapering—could you maybe try tapering more slowly?

I’ve never been on any medications like those for my chronic pain. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, but I’m very sensitive to medications so I tend not to do well with systemic medications. Even my Neurology NP warned me to be cautious with Cymbalta because she had multiple patients who struggled to taper off it, and with my sensitivity I’d have to be willing to take the risk.

I hope maybe with a slower taper, you’ll be able to transition off? Best of luck to you.


Yes i ran out of Gabapetin the first night I was not able to sleep and felt week and had visual things like I was on my couch sleeping or trying to sleep and It looked like someone was rearranging the magnets on the refrigerator I know it sounds crazy but it was very strange had them fast track my refill the next day.


Both Effexor and gabapentin (and Cymbalta) can cause nasty withdrawal symptoms within a few hours of missing a dose if you try to stop cold turkey, but everyone is different, so some people are more affected than others. My physicians warned me about this when we considered medications because I tend to react to medications.

You mentioned you’re tapering—could you maybe try tapering more slowly?

I’ve never been on any medications like those for my chronic pain. It’s not that it’s a bad thing, but I’m very sensitive to medications so I tend not to do well with systemic medications. Even my Neurology NP warned me to be cautious with Cymbalta because she had multiple patients who struggled to taper off it, and with my sensitivity I’d have to be willing to take the risk.

I hope maybe with a slower taper, you’ll be able to transition off? Best of luck to you.

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It is horrific even slow tapering.
Took me a month to get off of it. I went with my pharmacist slower suggestions vs my dr much faster. And still made it slower than my pharmacist suggested and still horrible!!
Rx are needed by many you just wish mediation, therapy and exercise would work instead of the need for these rx.
I have had horrific stomach pains since getting off these 4 years ago.


I was on Gabapentin for sacral nerve issues and had side effects (memory issues) but also didn’t feel it was helping me. I transitioned off and on to Lyrica I had terrible pain in the transition process. I , too, thought it was helping more than I thought it was. I’m now on Lyrica and question if it is doing anything but worried if I taper off that the same thing will happen.

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Lyrica is a controlled substance and can become very addicting.
You can not have any alcohol at all with this drug due to Respiratory depression.
Weaning off very very slowly.
Please be careful with !


Lyrica is a controlled substance and can become very addicting.
You can not have any alcohol at all with this drug due to Respiratory depression.
Weaning off very very slowly.
Please be careful with !

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One or two beers only on weekends and special events won't cause problems. You need to live too. And I am not talking about 12 packs!


It is horrific even slow tapering.
Took me a month to get off of it. I went with my pharmacist slower suggestions vs my dr much faster. And still made it slower than my pharmacist suggested and still horrible!!
Rx are needed by many you just wish mediation, therapy and exercise would work instead of the need for these rx.
I have had horrific stomach pains since getting off these 4 years ago.

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I’d been on Gabapentinfor several yrs.
Last dose was 300 mg 4x per day
I had to have emergency abdominal surgery Nov 2022 and was pretty sick.
The hospital never gave me my Gabapentin for the 3 weeks I was a patient there.
Since I had no withdrawal symptoms I decided to not continue it, and it really wasn’t helping my CIDP.
I know you’re suppose to slowly get weaned off, but it wasn’t done like that, was definitely cold turkey!


I have been on gabapentin for years, now 87 and found effected balance horribly so tapered off complete and primary suggested I take just 300 mg at night to help with neuropathy in feet, so far don't think helping much. May have back surgery soon maybe will eliminate entirely see what happens, podiatrist said bad tendons in ankles need braces, what next?

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