Anyone had symptoms of peripheral neuropathy but negative biopsy?

Posted by joe1998 @joe1998, Feb 11, 2024

Has anyone been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy when their skin biopsy was negative?

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So, did the neurologist say it wasn’t neuropathy? That’s what mine said. So, despite my symptoms, I believed him. I went on with my life trying to be as healthy as possible….nutritious diet, daily exercise, managing blood sugar better, monitoring Vitamin levels, started talk therapy , etc. So far, the burning has almost completely gone, tingling gone and numbness substantially decreased. I was prescribed meds for symptoms too, but haven’t taken them yet. I don’t really need them now. I anticipate the numbness will eventually go away completely. I hope so. The podiatrist had no options. He said I had good circulation and sensation. He didn’t expect me to have any complications. Regardless of what I have, it’s improving.

Would you qualify for treatments, if you aren’t diagnosed with it. Did they check your Vitamin B12 and D?

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Celia16. You are lucky you are seeing improvement. Did you symptoms come on gradually or just appear all at once and tied to a specific event? Did you do anything special that you believe aided your healing?


Celia16. You are lucky you are seeing improvement. Did you symptoms come on gradually or just appear all at once and tied to a specific event? Did you do anything special that you believe aided your healing?

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I had several things going on. I’ll try to recap. Sorry for the length. About 3 years ago, I had a quarter size burning spot on my right foot, midway back sort of bottom near the side that burned intermittently. Felt like a hot poker held to my skin. Not red or inflamed though. I wasn’t sure what it was, but since I had had plantar fasciitis for years, wondered if it was related. I saw a top ortho podiatrist, who took xrays, examined and didn’t know what it was. He said he didn’t think it was neuropathy. I kept wearing my orthotic shoes and enduring it. No problem with other foot. No numbness.

Years go by. Burning spot increases in intensity and frequency. I discussed it with my primary and a second top ortho podiatrist (different hospital than the first). He didn’t know what it was either, but didn’t think it was neuropathy. So, i kept wearing supportive shoes. My primary said it sounded like neuropathy. I endured.

Then in September 2023 I got covid. Right after that, I got tingling, numbness and burning in both feet. This was in addition to original hot spot! The original hot spot got so bad, I asked my primary for meds. He prescribed a small dose of Gabapentin. (During this time, I also had intermittent tingling in my hands when asleep waking me up. Also, suffered smell/taste disorder, which I still have.) and fasciculations throughout my body. The small dose of Gabapentin did reduce the burning a lot. But, I couldn’t take the med due to vision issues. It caused eye discomfort and blurry vision.

My primary referred me to a neurologist and he ordered tests, blood, EMG, MRI, etc. He said I did not have neuropathy. My primary was surprised. I then followed up with a third podiatrist, who said he thought it likely was neuropathy, though I have full sensation and good circulation. He offered to give me a shot in my foot, which I declined, due to it causing high blood sugar (I’m Type 1.).

Not long after that, the new burning in my feet stopped. The original burn spot gradually stopped! In the last 2 weeks, I only felt a slight twinge of burn for a couple of seconds. There is no more tingling, but there remains slight numbness. That still bothers me and it may remain.

So, I had Vitamin B12 deficiency, post covid syndrome and type 1 diabetes, …..was it any of those things or something called burning skin syndrome ? Idk. I was reducing my A1c during the period the symptoms improved, but my Vit B12 was recovering too. I had the original hot spot before covid.

I hope you can find some relief. I am so relieved to be free of that burn, though I still don’t know what caused any of those symptoms. I did not have a biopsy.


Thanks for your reply. Sounds like at least some symptoms could be covid related and perhaps b12 deficiency. Glad you have
improvement and hope everything resolves.

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