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I am on a similar journey for answers. My journey started in 2011 (in my early 40s) with new lower back/hip/buttock pain going down my right leg. Symptoms worsened and the list expanded substantially in 2017. Many doctors, tests, appointments, expensive bills, etc. later, I have been diagnosed with congenital spinal stenosis (cervical and lumbar), degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, upper/lower radiculopathies, cervical spondylitic myelopathy (spinal cord compressed which was affecting my bladder, gait, handwriting, swallowing, speaking, and arm/hand/leg strength, etc.), small fiber neuropathy (confirmed via punch biopsy thigh/calf), hearing loss left ear, iron deficiency, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, depression, etc. After getting diagnosed and treated for all of these things, I still have residual symptoms I need to get answers for (dizziness, balance issues, headaches, extreme fatigue, weakness, difficulty with concentration/focus/thinking, confused, apathetic, and have challenges with self care/daily responsibilities, etc.). I am now in my 50s, a single parent and sole provider of a teenager, no family support system, and unemployed (lost job late 2023 and having a hard time doing a job search when my health is declining), etc. Even though I have 3 degrees and worked over 30 years in mentally demanding jobs, I am feeling like my brain and cognitive abilities are declining. My next step is to get a new neurologist to get a brain MRI, updated EMGs, nerve conduction testing, etc. to check for MS and white matter disease/deterioration. I have recently read that cervical spondylitic myelopathy may affect the brain in addition to the spinal cord communications throughout the body. It definitely seems like my brain/spinal cord is challenged when communicating signals to my body (speed of messaging and senses/motor movements delayed or confused). I also have not had my orthopedic doctor check my thoracic spine for any myelopathy so will need to request this at my next appointment. Everyone, hang in there! This is complicated stuff and we need to really educate and advocate for ourselves!

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Hello Daily Hope,

I like your name 😊

I don’t know where to begin. When I first read your post, I was speechless. Complicated doesn’t begin to cover the extensive issues you have faced - are facing.

You mentioned an orthopedic doctor. Is he/she who diagnosed you with your spinal issues? I ask because at first my rheumatologist ordered mri then neurologist.

I have newer symptoms. I see the neurologist soon. I hope she follows with neck and thoracic imaging. I’ve got newer issues with worsening expanded symptoms. I am not sure if it is her department, I will find out. I need answers so I can get the right treatment. Quite frankly, I feel like I’m diseased. The body is fighting battles…that its not winning. I’m sorry I didn’t respond right away. Honestly, I was overwhelmed.

I hope doctors are helping you with your conditions. This is a wonderful place for support.

Hope is so important to have when so much is going on.
I pray you receive the help you seek and real answers, therapies to assist you.

I have to say, you sound so strong, like a fighter and that is so good! That is half the battle!

One word keeps coming to my mind ‘outreach’.

Please let us know how things progress.

Take Care


We are all here because we have complicated issus and your's is certainly up there. I wish some of us could be there for you to just make a cup of coffee when you need it. But we are there in spirit and wish you more than the best.