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Hello @moakes and @martame, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear that you have joined the neuropathy club. I shared my neuropathy journey story in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/310341/. Unfortunately there really isn't a cure for neuropathy but there are many treatments that may or may not help with the different symptoms. The best thing we can do as patients is to learn as much as we can about our condition and what treatments are available that might provide some relief.

To learn more about neuropathy, here are my two favorites:
--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/
--- Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/

There are also many different discussions here on Connect where you can learn what other members have found helps them. Here is a link that shows the different discussions and comments for "small fiber neuropathy what helps" -- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=small+fiber+neuropathy+what+helps.

It sounds like you have tried a few of the alternative treatments as well as the medications used for neuropathy pain but the symptoms seem to be getting worse. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a fairly comprehensive list of the complementary and alternative treatments for neuropathy here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/treatments/.

Were your doctor or neurologist able to identify any possible causes of the SFN?

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Replies to "Hello @moakes and @martame, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear that you have joined the..."

@johnbishop thank you so much for the resources. I'll definitely check them out. Unfortunately I have seen a primary care doctor, 2 neurologists, and a rheumatologist and they can't seem to find a cause. I have had many tests and scans done as well as a skin biopsy but no real root cause. I had a positive ANA test which can indicate an autoimmune disorder but the neurologist also said it can be positive for healthy adults. I feel like there is still something there to investigate but the neurologists seem stumped at this point. not giving up on finding the cause or seeing what treatments might help.

I requested an appointment at Mayo Clinic but was turned down as they stated they have more requests than appointments available and based on what I have done so far they didn't know if they could do anything further. I was really disappointed by this decision as I know they are the best hospital in the world and hoped they could take what I had done so far and help me find a cause and solution to help.

l have had symptoms in my legs and feet for about 4years, cramping and pain etc. referral to a neurologist "can,t help you, what do you want for pain" l am a retired RN and dont beleive medications are the best help. movement therapy , some herbal remedies are often more effective and beneficial. I am often exhausted with trying to live a normal single life with this affliction...so am looking for support in dealing with this elusive disability. No, the neuroligist offered no cause.....He appeared uninterested! any how I will troll thru all the suggestions on this site thanks Susan