Anyone had a Radiation “Boost”?

Posted by mchler73 @mchler73, Dec 5, 2023

I just finished 3 weeks of Radiation and started a “boost” today. It took quite a bit longer than the normal treatment session and I’m not really sure what the difference is or how common it is.
I see my doctor tomorrow for my weekly appointment, so I will ask but I am curious if anyone else has had this?
Thank you!

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I had 5 'regular' sessions of radiation with 4 boost sessions immediately after the first 5. It took about the same amount of time.The setup for the boost took an extra few minutes, that's all. I am 69 years old and was diagnozed with breast cancer in May 2023, DCIS. The side effects of extreme tiredness began almost immediately after the 9 sessions. 3 weeks after I finished, a large burn appeared on the inside of my breast near my armpit, where the lymphnode was removed.It took about 3 weeks for that burn to settle, the entire area peeled, like a BAD sunburn. Aveeno moisturizer relieved the burning and kept the area soft. Now the skin in that area feels thicker but there are no visable effects, not even the ' tan' that I was prepared to see. There were precancerous IDC cells found outside the lymphnode. I found the boost sessions interesting. Just watching the machines doing their thing. The radiation dept. staff at our cancer center made this whole process So easy. They explained everything step by step and even asked if I had any music requests ! Sting sang to me through every session! I hope this helps.


I'm going through Proton radiation right now. I will receive 15 treatments. Last night I finished treatment number four. The treatments are painless. They move the beam so it aims at you in two directions. One from the top and one from side diagonally. The machine sounds like the magnets are scraping the tracks as the beam moves a line across you. The machine is open sided so you don't get claustrophobic. So far I have not experienced any sunburn or tireness. They tell me that will probably happen in my second week. I am using Mometasone Furoate cream morning and night to prevent skin damage and vanicreme in between.

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I also used that cream for radiation itchy and soreness. I am curious to why you chose proton beam other than the obvious as I had a consult at MGH as really wanted it for my ILC but the MGH team didn't think it would at all be a better approach than whole beam. At MGH they typically use proton beam for head, neck pediatric patients. I sure wish it was more widely used but very expensive and few in USA but good for you!


I had radiation boost at my last 3 appointments. Need to make sure they’ve got all cancer cells.


I also used that cream for radiation itchy and soreness. I am curious to why you chose proton beam other than the obvious as I had a consult at MGH as really wanted it for my ILC but the MGH team didn't think it would at all be a better approach than whole beam. At MGH they typically use proton beam for head, neck pediatric patients. I sure wish it was more widely used but very expensive and few in USA but good for you!

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I was offered both proton and photon radiation at Mayo - Rochester. I chose proton because it was less likely to affect my heart and lungs.

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