Diverticulitis and now going to have a Sigmoid colon resection

Posted by linda82 @linda82, Jan 16, 2024

I have had 4 occurrences this past year treated with antibiotics and Mesalamine ER and now getting ready for surgery. This last occurrence I ended up in the ER and was lucky the abscess was small enough to treat with antibiotics and liquid diet.
I have been on low fiber diet and Mesalamine. The Mesalamine has been great but very hard to find and go form one CVS to another to find stock. (it is not being manufactured right now and insurance will not pay for it) I also to do not want to be on this the rest of my life or until another occurrence when it will be an emergency surgery. Right now all my blood work is great and back to normal and MRI and CT scans have been completed.
I just can't handle another episode of this and will be 60 yrs old this year. I am retired and all episodes happened after vacation and do not want to live in fear of going anywhere! I am in good health and do not take any other meds.
I am curious of others that have gone through this surgery and get helpful insight on what to expect.
Surgery will be in March and will be robotic.
Thanks in advance.

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Good morning Linda. I had this surgery in 2004, when I was 44years old. Unfortunately, mine was done on an emergency basis, as I was septic. I had never had any episode of diverticulitis, so this came as a total surprise. The good news for you, is that you can adequately prepare for the surgery, and it will be done laproscopically. Mine was a traditional abdominal surgery. The docs removed about a foot of my colon. I was hospitalized for about 10 days following the procedure - but again, I was septic. You definitely want to handle this so you can go on living your life without this hanging over your head. I would expect that you will be released after just a few days. Total recovery should be quick because of the laparoscopic procedure. Since my surgery, my bowel function has been fine, and it’s been now been 20 years. Wishing you well and good luck.

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Did you end up with a Stona and Ostomy bag?


Did you end up with a Stona and Ostomy bag?

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No, I did not end up with an ostomy - lucky for me. The surgeon was pretty sure I would need one and so he prepared me for that possibility. Thankfully he was able to do the colon resection without the ostomy. I spent a total of about 7 days in the hospital recovering post surgery.


Hello! Here's my update: I had surgery 5 weeks ago. It did not go as planned. I came in "healthy" (not acutely ill). My surgery was done robotically. Sometimes "things" don't show up on a CT scan. In my case, my colon was folded over and laying on top of my rectum and wedged into my pelvic cavity. She successfully did the resection and anastomosis but had to, unexpectedly and much to my displeasure, do a temporary ileostomy due to inflammation and letting the colon "rest". My reversal procedure is scheduled for April 16.

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Hi and good morning.
I am so sorry for you.....that is really crazy. Finding out all of that after surgery! Knowing that could not be seen with CT scan and you did not know. Thankful for the Dr. to remedy it.
They thought I had a big mass cyst on my ovary from the CT and I had to get a MRI. I waited and did the 14 day amox clay and it was ruled out and not seen. They had said that it was because of the diverticulitis being so inflamed.

How have you been feeling? I am sure you are counting down to 16 of April. Every day is 1 more day of healing. How is you spirits? Are you getting everything you need from your loved ones?

I am going for bloodwork today and pre-op is next Tuesday.


Hi and good morning.
I am so sorry for you.....that is really crazy. Finding out all of that after surgery! Knowing that could not be seen with CT scan and you did not know. Thankful for the Dr. to remedy it.
They thought I had a big mass cyst on my ovary from the CT and I had to get a MRI. I waited and did the 14 day amox clay and it was ruled out and not seen. They had said that it was because of the diverticulitis being so inflamed.

How have you been feeling? I am sure you are counting down to 16 of April. Every day is 1 more day of healing. How is you spirits? Are you getting everything you need from your loved ones?

I am going for bloodwork today and pre-op is next Tuesday.

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Recovery has been tough in the context that it zapped my stamina and energy. I didn’t have much pain from the actual surgery/incisions. That is the advantage to having robotic surgery. I’ve had a lot of issues with nausea and vomiting basically because they trample throughout your entire digestive track. That is getting better, though. The ileostomy is by far the worst part. I had about a 10 day stretch where I had 9 or 10 “blowouts.” (Use your imagination…). Very exasperating, embarrassing and frustrating. I am very judicious about where I go, with whom, and how far away from home I am. I don’t know how people live with this.


Argh! I understand. I would be afraid to go anywhere! This will go away once the ileostomy is removed? (is this the main cause for the "blowouts"
Not sure if you are allowed.
But, chamomile tea, peppermint tea and sucking on ginger helps with nausea.
I have been told that the medicine Emend 40mg is the best for nausea. Maybe you can check with the Dr.
Keep me updated! AND counting down until it is removed for you to feel better and get back to LIFE!


Argh! I understand. I would be afraid to go anywhere! This will go away once the ileostomy is removed? (is this the main cause for the "blowouts"
Not sure if you are allowed.
But, chamomile tea, peppermint tea and sucking on ginger helps with nausea.
I have been told that the medicine Emend 40mg is the best for nausea. Maybe you can check with the Dr.
Keep me updated! AND counting down until it is removed for you to feel better and get back to LIFE!

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Thank you! I have Zofran for nausea and I do drink, peppermint tea and other herbal teas. I will get through this!!


Hi linda82. Good idea to get the surgery done when you are feeling well, don’t wait until it becomes an emergency situation. Recovery becomes so much easier. Due to severe diverticulosis & sigmoid colon stricture gastroenterologist recommended consult with colorectal surgeon(Cleveland Clinic) Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy followed. I spent three days in hospital, recovery was a bit longer than I excepted. My challenge was the frequent BMs for the first three weeks. Not very confident leaving home. It takes a while for the bowel to adjust following surgery. IMPORTANT- The surgeon that performed the procedure ordered a peripheral nerve block once I was under to help control the pain after surgery. My pain level never got over a 2/3 , very tolerable and was controlled by acetaminophen, never needed opioids. Would not hesitate to discuss the nerve block with surgeon/ anesthesiologist. Good luck Linda I’m certain you will do well!


Hi Speedbird,

Thanks so much for your response.
I go tomorrow for my pre-op. I have note to ask about the peripheral nerve block.

I am doing everything I can to stay in good health! My anxiety is till high. But I have talked to my family Dr and my GI Dr. and they both answered a lot of my questions and concerns and were excited for me and told me I had the best surgeon and that my life will change for the better.

I have been working out and also working in the yard staying busy! I hope recover will be quick and I can enjoy the coming warm weather.

How long has it been since your surgery? What is advise for after robotic surgery?


My experience is that diverticulitis often occurs after drinking non-filtered water, such as when traveling and being intolerant to the local water. Drinking bottled water and taking Tylenol can help when diverticulitis occurs.


I am 84 yrs. Old & had this surgery 2 yrs. ago. Surgery went very smoothly, had good recovery. There are some things that are different for me now. Nothing serious, I just have to drink 64 ounces of water daily and eat more foods with fiber. I find beans help me a lot with bowel movements.

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