Metabolic therapy for cancer

Posted by birdman518 @birdman518, Jun 20, 2023

I have several posts here about my newly-diagnosed metastatic melanoma, but I wanted this to be a new thread.
I was looking for alternative therapies for cancer, and I was afraid that most of them would seem, well, a little kooky (sorry, but that's what I thought).
I found one, however, that seems to be both outside the mainstream standard-of-care, but yet very well represented in the scientific literature, including at least one Nobel Prize (Warburg), and that is the metabolic theory of cancer. It seems as though its primary promoter is Dr Thomas Seyfried of Boston College. He is a professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College.
He has many books, articles, and videos online, so it is easy to learn about this theory.
I cannot go into it in detail, but its premise is that cancer is a metabolic disease, and not a genetic one. Please take the time to look at the details before shooting me. 🙂

My only question here is whether anyone else has looked into this, and what do you make of it? Did you ever ask your oncologist about it?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer Support Group.

I am just now looking into this specifically, and haven’t asked my doctors yet.


Where can you get this therapy in the US mountain west. I am very interested.


Where can you get this therapy in the US mountain west. I am very interested.

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This is not a "therapy" in the sense that one can find doctors who offer it. The closest one might come is using an integrative MD or oncologist. I recommend that you read the books and/or search for videos on this topic on Youtube. There are quite a few that describe the metabolic theory of cancer.


I understand and have read and watched Dr . Siegfried many videos. He does talk of L-Don and one other medication that I assume a doctor must give and understand. The diet myself and my daughter are on it but she is fighting cancer and I think we need more guidance. Hence the question.


I understand and have read and watched Dr . Siegfried many videos. He does talk of L-Don and one other medication that I assume a doctor must give and understand. The diet myself and my daughter are on it but she is fighting cancer and I think we need more guidance. Hence the question.

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As a new patient myself- I am very interested in this Press Pulse Keto and Glutamine suppression in intervals. The logic seems very sound and especially if it supports a non-toxic way to improve efficacy of lower dose chemo and radiation in combination. So conventional treatments can continue but with the support of starving out the cancer. I am very interested in keeping this thread alive and understanding how to get the assistance for treatment and care in conjunction with / aligning with traditional oncology in tandem.


I have come around a bit on this. I am still trying to keep to a Keto diet, but more because of the overall health benefits as well as for keeping my weight down. To keep to less than 20g of carbs a day is very difficult, especially with no real way to measure its effectiveness against cancer. Due to the virulence of cancer, people are obviously desperate to try almost anything that claims to help it. I have found a "protocol" that I have decided on based on all of my reading, as well as my own acceptance of my situation. That is to say, whether I live 6 months or 20 more years, I want my quality of life to be the best I can make it. For me, this rules out all traditional cancer "standard of care" treatments, such as radiation, chemo, and immuno-therapy. Because this is so personal, and because so many people, including the admins on several cancer forums I am on, are so invested in SOC therapies, I prefer not to go into much detail. But everything is out there online. Good luck!


I have stage 1 lung cancer and I am following a keto diet (20 gram carbohydrate) after listening to Dr. Thomas Seyfried YouTube videos.

A very low carbohydrate diet (20 grams) needs to be monitored by a physician with testing at home. I purchased the Precision XL glucose and ketone monitor with test strips on Amazon. I have regular labs done through Ultalabs or my doctor.

Dr Eric Westman, Dr Jason Fung and other highly educated physicians prescribe low carbohydrate diets (20 gram) to treat other metabolic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and epilepsy. There are online programs with medical and dietitian supervision for keto diets to treat diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, and perhaps cancer if you can't find a program locally.

I also highly recommend reading Dr William Li's book " Eat to Beat Disease" which is packed full of foods to include in your diet which naturally contain bioactives to fight cancer. I include foods in my diet each day from the 5 food lists in Dr William Li's book with bioactives to support the body's 5 natural defense systems to fight disease, including cancer.

I developed heart failure, AFib, pulmonary hypertension, valve regurgitation, hypoxia, and chronic kidney disease after Covid and the shots. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are not treatments I will consider.

Best of luck to everyone on fighting cancer and improving overall health!


So I have reviewed the videos on youtube which I found to be very informative, including Target Cancer hosted by an oncologist known as "the Onc Doc," and a few others. I also see the NIH reference information which to date seems to mostly reference animal studies- which is frustrating to say the least.

My personal opinion is that a more aggressive approach should be investigated / adopted by specialized care like Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson rather than seemingly bowing to the pharmaceutical companies who seem to keep garnering the funding and trials for SOC / genetic refining that thus far has not lead to significant reductions in improvement and survival statistics. Please don't take this the wrong way, but if fermentation (glucose+ glutamine) are the energy for cancer and there is a process that doctors can manage to safely monitor a way to apply this protocol which includes really prescription Keto tracked with KTI monitoring - why wouldn't this be attempted? ESPECIALLY if SOC has limited success - or again as a way to enhance the effectiveness of SOC treatments.

You might ask the current director of the National Cancer Institute, W. Kimryn Rathmell, why there are no clinics using metabolic therapy for cancer management considering that cancer is now recognized as a metabolic disease.

I plan to.


So I have reviewed the videos on youtube which I found to be very informative, including Target Cancer hosted by an oncologist known as "the Onc Doc," and a few others. I also see the NIH reference information which to date seems to mostly reference animal studies- which is frustrating to say the least.

My personal opinion is that a more aggressive approach should be investigated / adopted by specialized care like Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson rather than seemingly bowing to the pharmaceutical companies who seem to keep garnering the funding and trials for SOC / genetic refining that thus far has not lead to significant reductions in improvement and survival statistics. Please don't take this the wrong way, but if fermentation (glucose+ glutamine) are the energy for cancer and there is a process that doctors can manage to safely monitor a way to apply this protocol which includes really prescription Keto tracked with KTI monitoring - why wouldn't this be attempted? ESPECIALLY if SOC has limited success - or again as a way to enhance the effectiveness of SOC treatments.

You might ask the current director of the National Cancer Institute, W. Kimryn Rathmell, why there are no clinics using metabolic therapy for cancer management considering that cancer is now recognized as a metabolic disease.

I plan to.

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I agree with you, but anyone can keep as strict a Keto diet as they wish or are able to. Even some of the books I read acknowledge that because of the difficulty staying "strict" (no bread, no creme brulee!) even a formal study would have difficulty analyzing the long-term results.
Plus, I am not sure that Big Pharma, which owns all government agencies, would even agree that cancer is a metabolic disease.
Good luck to you!


I would recommend that people read Outlive by dr Peter Attia. He is a former oncologist who believes many of our problematic medical conditions are either caused or compounded by metabolic disease due to the Standard American Diet and inactivity. We have incredible power to not put things in our mouths that may eventually make us sick. But, that requires self control, discipline and thoughtfulness, which seems to be in short supply these days, especially in an age of ever growing self entitlement By all means enjoy what you really like but do so in moderation and moderation for many may be less than what we think or would like it to be. It’s not a pill or a treatment but involves making good decisions every day. The good news is that it is never too late to start regardless of our current state of health.

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