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Were you ever successful in quitting?

I'm on Day 8 of going cold turkey after 20 years on that drug. I was taking Effexor and Abilify after a breakdown, and have still been suffering waves of depression and constant suicidal ideations, while feeling robbed of any good days. It has either been deathly depressed at worst, or emotionally flat at best. No joy. So I quit both drugs abruptly, partly out of anger, I'll admit. But more so because the prescriptions weren't working. Thus far I have not had much depression surface in the past few days. If anything I feel empowered. But the physical discomfort of quitting has been significant, especially the "brain zaps," which are deeply unpleasant and have left me wondering if I have caused long term changes in my brain chemistry by allowing myself to be put on Effexor in the first place. I'm feeling suspicious of this stuff despite the paucity of evidence about long term impacts. You shouldn't be able to "feel" your brain, but that's exactly what's happening. I don't want to go back on this drug after experiencing the withdrawal. So I'm wondering if others have been successful in pulling off of it, and if there are any hints. I know taper is what people say, but after more than a week off it, I'd rather try to ride this out. Any advice?

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I just read this apologies for not reading the comments. I came on here because I can only take generic TEVA. Long story. To this
Person stopping Effexor on day idk 8 now. I hope you will succeed. When you hit in about a few weeks your withdrawals will quick in. And it’s not like withdrawing from alcohol where u need to be supervised (but for this drug I think everyone should be). This is like you will wake up with your heart pounding sweating just the worst feeling ever. Nauseated can’t eat, diarrhea, hurling, and panic attacks and your hyoerventilating . I’m sorry but someone here can vouch for this. ? I can go into detail. I can’t find my generic brand TEVA…that’s why I jumped on here. It was I believed the first generic for Effexor Dr. well I can’t get it anywhere. And if I can’t take the TEVA generic I go into withdrawals. And yes I’ve been in this drug for 20 years. Good luck sport guys I didn’t read comments. Im so mad my new mail order won’t request TEVA for me and they know my withdrawals. I’ve called 20 pharmacy’s in just fed up.

Cold turkey? What strength was your Effexor and were you on the extended release. I started my taper from 150mg, now down to 37.5, and this is the XR version.
Thank you for your post

Ask your doctor to put you on 10 mg of prozac. It has a much longer half-life than effexor. Take that with the effexor for about a week or two (however long it takes for the prozac to reach steady state - the pharmacist should be able to tell you), then quit the effexor. You should then be able to taper off the prozac by adding a day between doses (every other day, then every third day, etc.) until such time that you can quit taking that. It's the ONLY way I've ever been able to get off effexor or pristiq. I've tried slowly tapering off for months, and that was miserable. The prozac trick worked and was prescribed by my OB when I was pregnant. I've used it recently to get off pristiq, but I was surprised to learn that my PCP was unaware of it. No brain zaps with the prozac, and it took me about a month or so maybe two - to wean off both completely.