Hi. A high tsh should be looked at to see if you are hypothyroid. Not a doctor but there was a time my tsh was clearly suppressed in the face of Normal T4 and T3 hormones. My endocrinologist at the time gave me meds for 6 months. These days I have nodules in my thyroid. Don’t know why yet. Point being have it looked into - I would.
I have seen rheumatologist for muscle and bone pains. He did extensive bloodwork that looks for different things, also a ANA test with a result that isn’t negative might have a reflex panel. It did for me. I had a low timer, speckled pattern so he tested me for SLE/negative for that. His opinion was sjogrens.
I’ve had positive ANA’s in the past, always the same titer.
What I recommend (which is what my guy tells me) is to give the doctor chief complaint then the symptoms you have. Let the doctor doctor you. I do the same thing. So, this relaxes me a bit. Give him your medical history.
If nobody has diagnosed or treated you, a gp/pcp should be the one to advise you to either see a specialist or he can do preliminary exam and tests and guide you.
I’m seeing pain management again. This time I will be more prepared and armed with questions.
We are our own best advocates.
I hope you feel better and get treatment and answers.
Did you have a lip biopsy?