birad 3 again?

Posted by andreag @andreag, Feb 12, 2024

I'll try to be as brief as possible - anyway June of 2023 i was referred by my family doctor for a mammogram and ultrasound of left breast due to some weird breast sensations..kind of like this weird internal itching feeling, and i had a rash on my left armpit. Never did figure out the rash and i still have it, but it's not getting worse. - anyway, that work up revealed an indeterminant lesion, given a birad 0 and was referred to a local cancer centre for a full work up - july of 2023 i was seen at the cancer centre, did tomosynthesis and ultrasound of left breast with radiologist present, mass they were concerned about turned out to be glandular tissue but they did find another mass, not seen on other ultrasound and was determined to be isoechoic, was given a birad of 3, told to come back in 6 months. So i had that follow up appt - did another mammogram and ultrasound, i didn't personally see the radiologist this time but radiologist said in her report the mass is stable and i was given another birad 3 - it is slightly larger but not significantly larger, only my 1 mm or but morphology is the same and it hasn't changed shape. i do have access to my scans and it actually looks more hypoechoic than isoechoic but hey, i'm not a radiologist but it does look noticeably different. I have an appt with the oncologist to discuss these results on Feb 23. I should also add my birth mom (i was adopted) was diagnosed with a stage 1 BC in her left breast around the time i was waiting for my first appt and DCIS in her right breast. I guess my question is, if it's stable, why is it still a BIRAD 3? I realize the chance that it's cancer is low but to me this doesn't mean that there is a 0% chance it's cancer, otherwise it would have been downgraded. I do plan on asking the oncologist this but i also want to push for a biopsy but i'm so worried as being seen as "that patient." does it make sense to at least ask for a biopsy, even if just for piece of mind? and i still have the weird breast sensation/itchy feeling for which i've never been given any explanation for. I'd rather not wait another 6 months. also i don't know if it's relevant but i have a TIRAD 4 nodule on my thyroid that is being biopsied on March 6 - i say i don't know if it's relevant because i don't know that there is a correlation between breast and thyroid cancer - i do plan on asking the oncologist this when i see but thought i'd ask - thank you

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I got 4 opinions when I had cancer. The 4th doctor listened to every concern and addressed each with new testing, most of it repeat testing. The other three were dismissive (but nice about it). I hope you find an oncologist who listens to your concerns and addresses them to your satisfaction.

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That must have been so frustrating to have to get so many different opinions before getting the correct diagnosis. I think my option now is to go back to my family doctor. He's been my doctor for about 18 years now and i have a pretty good relationship with him - he too can be very dismissive at times but i can call him out on it. He may not agree with a referral elsewhere but if it will make me feel better or give me peace of mind, he'd probably be willing to do it.


That must have been so frustrating to have to get so many different opinions before getting the correct diagnosis. I think my option now is to go back to my family doctor. He's been my doctor for about 18 years now and i have a pretty good relationship with him - he too can be very dismissive at times but i can call him out on it. He may not agree with a referral elsewhere but if it will make me feel better or give me peace of mind, he'd probably be willing to do it.

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I was reading your post and quite distressed about your situation and the dismissiveness. I would contact another imaging center or ob/gyn and ask if you can get a second opinion, or if you live near a large cancer center or teaching hospital that might be even better.
As for it being in you record that you had concerns, I believe that might be a double edged sword. Yes, you want to know you have the right to be concerned, on the other the comments might end up labeling you as “that patient”. I can’t say what might be better.
All I can say is you know your body better than anyone else possibly can, if you believe there is a problem keep seeking until you are satisfied.
Do you have the ability to travel to a large center with your records?


I was reading your post and quite distressed about your situation and the dismissiveness. I would contact another imaging center or ob/gyn and ask if you can get a second opinion, or if you live near a large cancer center or teaching hospital that might be even better.
As for it being in you record that you had concerns, I believe that might be a double edged sword. Yes, you want to know you have the right to be concerned, on the other the comments might end up labeling you as “that patient”. I can’t say what might be better.
All I can say is you know your body better than anyone else possibly can, if you believe there is a problem keep seeking until you are satisfied.
Do you have the ability to travel to a large center with your records?

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Well that's just it -i was being treated at a large cancer centre - Princess Margaret Hospital is one of the largest cancer centre's in Ontario - so presumably the best at what they do. I think it makes sense for me to ask my family doctor for a referral to another specialist - maybe forgetting about the mass for now but focusing on getting an answer for the rash (in my armpit) and the intermittent itchy feeling i get in my breast - maybe a referral to a dermatologist or OB/GYN. At least someone that could provide some answers.


Thank you for all the support! Unfortunately the appointment with the oncologist went as i expected it to go. She was pretty dismissive, but was polite about it. She kept saying "I trust the expertise of our radiologists." I showed her the scans that i screen shotted and even she agreed it looked different but because it's not her area of expertise, she couldn't comment one way or the other (which is fair i suppose). She flat out said they never ever biopsy birad 3, even though i found articles that support doing a biopsy with changes (that don't include it getting much larger) but have other symptoms (like the itching) and risk factors. I asked her if she could at least recommend a different radiologist to look at the scans for a second opinion and she said no and again kept saying "i trust their expertise." I pointed out that even good doctors make mistakes. She told me i could call the radiology department and ask for a second opinion, but they will likely say no. Or i can go back to my family doctor and ask him for a referral to a different radiology clinic. Otherwise, it's just "come back in 6 months for another scan." I'm not sure what i will do yet. i'll probably call the radiology department on monday to at least ask. I'm also pissed because i have access to my "after visit summary" and she didn't note any of my concerns (the intermittent itching ) and said "Patient did not express any health concerns." At the very least i'm contacting the hosptial to complain about that - her visit notes should at least be accurate. i don't know why she would do that. maybe some sort of liability thing - i also want it documented that i asked for a biopsy and want her to include her reasoning of why that would not happen - she did say only the radiologist can recommend a biopsy and they won't for birad 3 but i want her to document that. I'm wondering if, by the very small chance, i come back in July and it is actually cancer, then they are "covered" with their inaccurate reporting. so i'm disappointed but not surprised. thanks again

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I do not know where you are located, but the radiologist made a mistake twice on my MRI and I did had invasive cancer and I did get a biopsy. Something showed up on my mamo and I immediately made an appointment with the surgeon who had done the lumpectomy on my first breast cancer. He immediately gave me a script for an MRI. That came back ok, but come back in 6 months, which I did and again everything was ok. I loved my surgeon and I told him I couldn’t live with worrying and wanted a biopsy. He had no problem with that and I had the biopsy within a week and I had invasive ductal carcinoma. This was in the opposite breast from the first cancer. I had another lumpectomy in the second breast.
Needless to say, by this time I was losing my mind. This breast surgeon called me several times to see how I was doing. He knew my mental state was not good. I would be driving and he would call and I would pull over and talk to him. He was very kind and never rushed me on these conversations. I had tried to communicate with the radiologist and he would not get back to me. My advice to you is to find another oncologist and radiologist. My belief is that my cancer had been properly diagnosed with the first MRI it would not have been invasive. As far as oncologists go, the first one I had with this second occurrence would not give me anything for my mental state and told me to take Xanax and that my problem was that I chose not to pay out of pocket to go to the therapist in their practice. Excuse me, but why should I drive an hour and pay out of pocket when I had wonderful insurance and there were plenty of therapists I could have gone to locally. How dare he?! I fired him and went to another oncologist in a different practice. When I asked her questions, she literally ran out of the room. She was associated with a large hospital system and cancer center. By this time, I was pretty frantic. I am trying to save my own life and running into road blocks everywhere. In any event, I marched across the street from the cancer center to the hospital attached and threw a fit. The head of the cancer center got called in and was NOT happy. She was not truthful about what happened and was not even trying to be helpful. I wasn’t going anywhere until this was straightened out and the hospital person could see that and finally I ended up with the chief of oncology at this hospital system. He is wonderful and kind and answers all of my questions. There are good doctors out there. They are just hard to find. I am not trying to scare you, but I have found that you are just a number and money for them. How many people do they see in a day? Do not feel bad if you decide to move on to new doctors. They will not miss you. You have to be your own advocate. Good luck.


I was a birad 3 in 2019 & see you in 6 months. I was not ok with what the radiologist wanted. I called my doctors office & was told a Surgeon overrides a radiologist. So, I made an appointment with a breast surgeon. She sent me back to the radiologist to get a fine needle aspiration. The radiologist was pissed I was back & actually said to me I Told You To Wait The 6 Months ! He 1st schooled me on if liquid comes out of the target lesion then it not solid & therefore not cancer but if he can't get anything out of the lesion then it's a solid & that's a problem. We'll needless to say he couldn't get anything in the needle & preceeded to then double talk & said to come back in several months. I proceeded back to the surgeon & she & I agreed to get the lump out Now ! It was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma triple positive & already moved out to 1 Sentinel lymph node ! Bottom line - trust your instinct !! Doctors aren't God . If you have doctors that dismiss you it may be time to find new ones. I just changed my radiologist immediately & recently my oncologist who I've been with for 3 years do to his recent dismissive nature. I too am birads 3 again & I've made the choice to do a double masectomy & go flat. I wish you all the best


FIND A breast diagnostic center that will a 3D Tomo Mammagraphy, along with a 3 D Digital Ultrasound and a Breast MRI. If you have BiRad 3 Diagnosis, that is the criteria that Radiology centers go by to book an appointment for all 3.
ALSO your physician must fill out the prescription for that particular radiology center with previous findings Diagnosis codes, including Bi-Rad 3 diagnosis.
If you have Traditional Medicare A&B and a good Supplimental Insurance it should all be covered. (Not sure what private insurance will cover.
This all happened to me.
After following all 3 protocols that I Just described. I now was given, Bi-Rad 0 Normal Mammagraphy, Normal Ultrasound, Normal MRI.
You deserve to have the Best Level of Testing, Advocate for yourself.
I believe that in the future All women will receive all 3 of this Tests as part of their yearly screenings.
The Medical Community just hasn't done so. Not sure why.
Good Luck to you.
Be Strong
Advocate for yourself.


I do not know where you are located, but the radiologist made a mistake twice on my MRI and I did had invasive cancer and I did get a biopsy. Something showed up on my mamo and I immediately made an appointment with the surgeon who had done the lumpectomy on my first breast cancer. He immediately gave me a script for an MRI. That came back ok, but come back in 6 months, which I did and again everything was ok. I loved my surgeon and I told him I couldn’t live with worrying and wanted a biopsy. He had no problem with that and I had the biopsy within a week and I had invasive ductal carcinoma. This was in the opposite breast from the first cancer. I had another lumpectomy in the second breast.
Needless to say, by this time I was losing my mind. This breast surgeon called me several times to see how I was doing. He knew my mental state was not good. I would be driving and he would call and I would pull over and talk to him. He was very kind and never rushed me on these conversations. I had tried to communicate with the radiologist and he would not get back to me. My advice to you is to find another oncologist and radiologist. My belief is that my cancer had been properly diagnosed with the first MRI it would not have been invasive. As far as oncologists go, the first one I had with this second occurrence would not give me anything for my mental state and told me to take Xanax and that my problem was that I chose not to pay out of pocket to go to the therapist in their practice. Excuse me, but why should I drive an hour and pay out of pocket when I had wonderful insurance and there were plenty of therapists I could have gone to locally. How dare he?! I fired him and went to another oncologist in a different practice. When I asked her questions, she literally ran out of the room. She was associated with a large hospital system and cancer center. By this time, I was pretty frantic. I am trying to save my own life and running into road blocks everywhere. In any event, I marched across the street from the cancer center to the hospital attached and threw a fit. The head of the cancer center got called in and was NOT happy. She was not truthful about what happened and was not even trying to be helpful. I wasn’t going anywhere until this was straightened out and the hospital person could see that and finally I ended up with the chief of oncology at this hospital system. He is wonderful and kind and answers all of my questions. There are good doctors out there. They are just hard to find. I am not trying to scare you, but I have found that you are just a number and money for them. How many people do they see in a day? Do not feel bad if you decide to move on to new doctors. They will not miss you. You have to be your own advocate. Good luck.

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Wow -that is so much to go through. i am not worried about moving onto something else - another doctor or clinic - i agree with you that i'm just a number to them. The issue is that here (i'm in Toronto, Ontario) almost every specialty, one has to be referred by their family doctor. The challenge for me will be convincing my family doctor to refer me elsewhere - though i get along with him and he's been my family doctor for awhile, he can be dismissive at times. I have spent the day doing research on different breast care clinics in the city and trying to find one i'd be comfortable going to - i feel if i come "armed" with where i want a referral to, he may be more likely to do least i hope so. And even if he does refer me to another clinic, they can refuse the referral if they feel that Princess Margaret Hospital did an adequate job. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. you didn't scare me at all but really highlighted why i have to be my own advocate.


I was a birad 3 in 2019 & see you in 6 months. I was not ok with what the radiologist wanted. I called my doctors office & was told a Surgeon overrides a radiologist. So, I made an appointment with a breast surgeon. She sent me back to the radiologist to get a fine needle aspiration. The radiologist was pissed I was back & actually said to me I Told You To Wait The 6 Months ! He 1st schooled me on if liquid comes out of the target lesion then it not solid & therefore not cancer but if he can't get anything out of the lesion then it's a solid & that's a problem. We'll needless to say he couldn't get anything in the needle & preceeded to then double talk & said to come back in several months. I proceeded back to the surgeon & she & I agreed to get the lump out Now ! It was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma triple positive & already moved out to 1 Sentinel lymph node ! Bottom line - trust your instinct !! Doctors aren't God . If you have doctors that dismiss you it may be time to find new ones. I just changed my radiologist immediately & recently my oncologist who I've been with for 3 years do to his recent dismissive nature. I too am birads 3 again & I've made the choice to do a double masectomy & go flat. I wish you all the best

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Thank you for taking the time to respond! The more i read posts like yours, as well as others that have kindly taken the time to respond to me, the more pissed off i feel. No one should have to go what you and others have gone through and i don't know why these matters are not taken more seriously, at least sometimes that seems to be the case. the one breast assessment centre i am looking at -the meeting is with one of two breast surgeons and not the radiologist so i'm hoping it's a more productive outcome - thank you again


FIND A breast diagnostic center that will a 3D Tomo Mammagraphy, along with a 3 D Digital Ultrasound and a Breast MRI. If you have BiRad 3 Diagnosis, that is the criteria that Radiology centers go by to book an appointment for all 3.
ALSO your physician must fill out the prescription for that particular radiology center with previous findings Diagnosis codes, including Bi-Rad 3 diagnosis.
If you have Traditional Medicare A&B and a good Supplimental Insurance it should all be covered. (Not sure what private insurance will cover.
This all happened to me.
After following all 3 protocols that I Just described. I now was given, Bi-Rad 0 Normal Mammagraphy, Normal Ultrasound, Normal MRI.
You deserve to have the Best Level of Testing, Advocate for yourself.
I believe that in the future All women will receive all 3 of this Tests as part of their yearly screenings.
The Medical Community just hasn't done so. Not sure why.
Good Luck to you.
Be Strong
Advocate for yourself.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond -this is helpful information and gives me a little more idea on what to look for / ask for. Were you given a Bi-Rad 0 or Bi-rad 1? My understanding was that BIRAD 0 was indeterminate?

I hope the medical community catches us -especially since breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers


Thank you for taking the time to respond -this is helpful information and gives me a little more idea on what to look for / ask for. Were you given a Bi-Rad 0 or Bi-rad 1? My understanding was that BIRAD 0 was indeterminate?

I hope the medical community catches us -especially since breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers

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It was BIRADS 1 - Negative for all 3 tests:
Diagnostic Mammogram, ultrasound and MRI.
The ultrasound was called targeted breast ultrasound, ABVS -
Automated Breast
Volume Scan
Keep asking questions, Keep advocating for yourself,
Best of Luck.
God Bless...

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