Right breast cancer DCIS: Is 4-5 weeks of radiation normal protocol?

Posted by m3rt @m3rt, Feb 21, 2023

I recently was diagnosed with (DCIS) stage 1, her2 negative, both hormones positive, 4mm size tumor. I chose to have a lumpectomy and do hormone treatment. The doctor removed 4 lymph nodes in the breast and one sentinel node all were negative for cancer. The tumor was removed January 23, the doctors said because the lump was so small they didn’t do a onco. test, but suggested that I do 4-5 weeks of radiation. I was wondering if 4-5 weeks for radiation is being over cautious? Or is this normal procedure? I will be laying on my back for radiation treatment.

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I also had DCIS and even though margins were clear, one spot was only 1 mm and they want 2 mm. I had 16 treatments for whole breast and 5 that were targeted to the small margin area.

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Depends on the stage of your cancer mine was stage 1 I had 34 treatments


I think that's way too much. I just finished 16 rounds and I'm suffering terribly with radiation burns. Ask for 5 days.


I had IDC in the right breast, but my radiation treatment was also 5 days a week for around 5 weeks. I have an olive complexion and tan easily. The first 4 weeks of radiation were uncomfortable, but didn't really bother me that much. There was no pain, and nothing wrong with my skin other than it was warm. The last week was very unpleasant. I am not trying to scare you, and you may very well have a different outcome, but I had painful blistering on the nipple. It took about two weeks to heal and it was agonizing. I thought maybe I had an infection because the first 4 weeks were fine. It's been a year now and it's like nothing ever happened other than my sentinel lymph node scar is dark colored. Don't be afraid. You will meet with a nurse regularly throughout the course of your treatment and they will be able to address any concerns. The nurse will prepare you for the treatments and instruct you on how to care for your skin. We also had one day designated as "Doctor Day" where all patients were seen by the doctor. It will be okay!

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Mine was left breast and I also have darker skin. No problems during treatment but 5 days after, started having pain and skin looks charred underarm. I have follow up today (8 days after) to have them check.


I think that's way too much. I just finished 16 rounds and I'm suffering terribly with radiation burns. Ask for 5 days.

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I had 34 treatments of rads with stage1 no lymph node involvement up to you doctor


Depends on the stage of your cancer mine was stage 1 I had 34 treatments

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I had stage 1 34 treatments of radiation. No lymoh node involvement. Let your oncologist be the judge no two are alike


I think that's way too much. I just finished 16 rounds and I'm suffering terribly with radiation burns. Ask for 5 days.

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Ask your rad nurse for script for sulfadiazine it is the cream they give to firemen. I used it and charged cleared up in a day. I was sooo happy only used after treatment never before


Yes, I did. Been using for 5 days now. I'm much better but still have a good bit of pain. It's been horrible. I think the blisters are the worst.


I had invasive breast cancer stage 2 2 lymph node involved. Removed 4 the others were negative. I had lump surgery and had radiation for 6 weeks. The redness was a like a sun burn but there is cream you can put on ask the radiation doc it helps. If the radiation helps kills the small cancer cell that doc can’t see while in surgery. I would recommend it. Anything to help combat the disease. After a week of my last treatment I am taking anastrozole for the next 5-7 years to also help with recurrence. I have high estrogen and my her2 was negative. Oncotype is 20
Ki67 10. I think I’m at the low to medium risk.


Yes, I did. Been using for 5 days now. I'm much better but still have a good bit of pain. It's been horrible. I think the blisters are the worst.

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Yes they hurt I kept no bra on for days with a loose top. Slept with no bra or top. Let air help good luck you will look back and say I am strong I am woman hear me roar


Yes they hurt I kept no bra on for days with a loose top. Slept with no bra or top. Let air help good luck you will look back and say I am strong I am woman hear me roar

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Your right we are women and hear us roar. Back off cancer we will fight with all we got. 🙂

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