Need reassurance of symptoms:IBS, GERD, gastritis, sm hiatal hernia

Posted by shooei @shooei, Oct 11, 2022

Over the last 6 years I have been diagnosed with mild gastritis, sm haital hernia & possibly SIBO. Also GERD & IBS diagnosed 20 yr ago. (I was also diagnosed with lung issues of Bronchiectasis and nontuberculosis mycobacterium infection after coughing up blood - during the same time period 6 yrs ago). But my worst symptoms disrupting my life are from my gut. Meds: have been on & off PPIs for more than 20 years (try to stay off completely, but hasn't seemed possible), famotidine when not on PPI, and tried most every functional med & holistic remedy.

I have a very limited, mostly FODMP diet, fresh veggies, some fruit, nothing processed, no dairy but hard cheese, no gluten, limited grains (translate: boring 😆). I exercise regularly & am quite thin. ALL tests (blood work, endoscopy, colonoscopy, heart, etc. are "normal" other than what I listed and some benign stomach polyps).

But frequently I get horrible upper gut pains (in center right below sternum) and to left under lower ribs. Bloated (I guess that's what it is-extreme pressure in upper stomach making me short of breath even), horrible nausea, unable to eat, pooping 5-6 times a day, chest pressure/pain, exhausted, sweating, horrible gut noises top to bottom. It can wake me in the night with gut pains & leg tremors. It can go on for 1 or 2 days (the best), or has been up to 2 weeks or more at times. I describe it as feeling like I ate something that has poisoned me! It is usually a day or so later, so I'm never sure if it is something in particular I ate. When I feel like this it gives me anxiety (which I don't have at any other time), which I know compounds the issue. I never know when it is going to hit or why, so that is stressful too. When this is not happening however, I can feel almost like I am a normal person.

MY QUESTION: Can foods that might trigger my IBS/GERD/hernia really make me feel this awful? They make IBS sound so benign, but this is absolutely miserable and completely makes me non-functional when it is happening and I know it sounds dramatic, but I feel like I am dying. I keep thinking it MUST be something else to make me feel sooooo bad. And why can I feel almost normal at times? Could you please share your experiences with IBS/GERD/Hiatal Hernia/Gastritis/SIBO so I can get some perspective on this?

Thank you so much!!

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I can totally identify with your situation. I have high blood pressure as well as high heart rate probably because of this GERD but I also have asthma so who knows? I live in Florida and there is a lot of mold here consequently. Is that the type of lung infection you had? Also how did they diagnose it correctly?

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My lung infection is caused by a bacteria (nontuberculosis micobacterium avium) and it was diagnosed by a pulmonologist with a CT scan.


hi shooei. my name is Pam , I have very similar issues with my gut ..seems like when I eat it gets worse. it feels like someone has their fist under my chest around the rib area. and it just gave me shortness of breath along with a feeling of tightness .. very uncomfortable feeling to say the least I’ve had abdomen sonograms ,, an endoscopy about 2 1/2 years ago they only found a small idol hernia,,which now became bigger, was noticed in the CAT scan of the chest last August of 2023. I also have Mac/bronchiectasis very similar to you for the past 41/2 years no antibiotics yet I do the same as you airway clearance, Salene nebulizer my question is, have you found any solution to this problem? drs don’t seem to know. 🙄 if you could respond back, I would greatly appreciate it. Hope you’re feeling better. my username is p1000 , I’m not very good with email or texting but I really hope you respond back. Thank you and have a great day. 😎 🤙🏻🙋‍♀️


This is my seventh year in a row now getting GERD at this time of year. I have tried a lot of things too but nothing seems to help. For me I don’t have any pain when I lay down at night.


I have very similar problems. I was having severe lower abdominal pain in one spot--so did colonoscopy--and when finished they told me I needed immediate surgery my intestines had shrunk to the size of little finger. Had a colostomy--which they said they would reverse in 6 months when it had had time to heal. Only the second surgery my intestines kept ripping apart when they tried to put me back together. Upshot I had 4 surgeries over 2 years, got sepsis, almost died, got through 3 colostomies and one ileostomy--all of which leaked constantly--ugggh. But eventually they put me back together. Year since then I had spontaneous rectal bleeding then the MOST painful episode when they told me I had torsion from all the scar tissue. Told me had to go on FODMAP diet--which is insane. No fruits, no vegetables, no dairy, no caffeine, no whole grains.
Basically I can have meat and white rice, white potatoes, sourdough bread. All of which I had eliminated from my diet years ago. (Not all meat--still ate chicken) I've been trying adding a few things back--I do okay with bananas & avocado, kefir, and one or two spoonfuls of steamed celery or onion. Trying yams next.
But I still have a pain from time to time in that origianl spot where they cut out my gut--don't know if it is like phantom limb pain or what.
Seems like the FODMAP is basically just "let's cover all the bases in case". Someone somewhere must be doing research on a beter approach?

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Low FODMAP is not no fruits and veggies, just certain ones should be avoided. I have figured out onions and garlic are the worst for me. There is an app called FODMAP by Monash that is very helpful and even tells you things like tablespoon of peas are ok, 1/4 cup is not, etc.


Hi all , yes i have gerd hiatal hernia IBS and diverticulosis. I'm the same where my horrible symptoms seem to come a day after i eat anything suspect . Bloating gas upper chest pain , the anxiety comes along as well . I was on 60mg dexilant for a couple of years but my doc cut me down to 30 mg because it can cause malabsorption i guess over time . Was off it for quite awhile but now back on it with a vengeance. Waiting for my doc appt on March 12th , probably send me fpr another series of scopes. Been 8 years since i had them . Everyday is a crap shoot as to how I'll feel . No vitality at all . I envy people i see out and about having lunch , enjoying their life . Just want to live a life !


I am unable to answer your question, but as somebody who suffers from some of these issues, I want to assure you, you are not alone. I sincerely hope that you find relief as soon as humanly possible.


Hi all , yes i have gerd hiatal hernia IBS and diverticulosis. I'm the same where my horrible symptoms seem to come a day after i eat anything suspect . Bloating gas upper chest pain , the anxiety comes along as well . I was on 60mg dexilant for a couple of years but my doc cut me down to 30 mg because it can cause malabsorption i guess over time . Was off it for quite awhile but now back on it with a vengeance. Waiting for my doc appt on March 12th , probably send me fpr another series of scopes. Been 8 years since i had them . Everyday is a crap shoot as to how I'll feel . No vitality at all . I envy people i see out and about having lunch , enjoying their life . Just want to live a life !

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I think we must be twins .
I have all the same issues , 10 long years plus other diagnosis as well .
Everyday is a major struggle to get through .
I don’t remember life before this ?
I’m having my 4 th endoscopy and colonoscopy next Fri . The liquid diet and horrible prep next Thurs .
I have literally tried everything. Still no relief. 🥲


I think we must be twins .
I have all the same issues , 10 long years plus other diagnosis as well .
Everyday is a major struggle to get through .
I don’t remember life before this ?
I’m having my 4 th endoscopy and colonoscopy next Fri . The liquid diet and horrible prep next Thurs .
I have literally tried everything. Still no relief. 🥲

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Hello Rozy288:

I have found that applying as much scientific knowledge to my own health care as possible is extremely important when dealing with internal imbalances. I recently wrote a book that you may find helpful, in addition to the medical tx you are receiving. It's called, My Tea Taste Better: Improve your life by understanding what makes you tick, by (me) Rena Johnson. It's about how our body's functioning is impacted by our emotions and the hormones those emotions cause to generate. Please pick up a copy of my book at Amazon.

Best wishes!


Hello Rozy288:

I have found that applying as much scientific knowledge to my own health care as possible is extremely important when dealing with internal imbalances. I recently wrote a book that you may find helpful, in addition to the medical tx you are receiving. It's called, My Tea Taste Better: Improve your life by understanding what makes you tick, by (me) Rena Johnson. It's about how our body's functioning is impacted by our emotions and the hormones those emotions cause to generate. Please pick up a copy of my book at Amazon.

Best wishes!

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I tried everything, holistic, RX, supplements, diets, etc. I’m a medical mystery.


Hello Rozy288:

I have found that applying as much scientific knowledge to my own health care as possible is extremely important when dealing with internal imbalances. I recently wrote a book that you may find helpful, in addition to the medical tx you are receiving. It's called, My Tea Taste Better: Improve your life by understanding what makes you tick, by (me) Rena Johnson. It's about how our body's functioning is impacted by our emotions and the hormones those emotions cause to generate. Please pick up a copy of my book at Amazon.

Best wishes!

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Wow that’s great . I’ll have to check it out on Amazon or local library! Thanks

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