How to tell the difference: diverticulosis or IBS? Or both?
I have diverticulosis and I'm pretty sure IBS as well . My question is how to tell which is bothering you at any given time . Seens like i could have symptoms if both ?
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there is research on this. but i don't remember the actual organization name for it. maybe try to Google it. i'm going to.
Decided i could wait until my doc appt march 12th . Pain is mostly gone , more worried about if its stomach related now ? Had h.pylori last year and was treated but pain memories can be deceiving . Time for another colonoscopy and edoscopy ugh . Been 8 years . And hiatal hernia ! I'm a wreck lol . So much reflux and stomach area discomfort .
i may be wrong but H.Pylori is the bug that causes stomach ulcers. if i'm correct, hiatal hernia could be causing the acid reflux to backup and inflame an ulcer. i've had more ulcers than i can count. if it is. the H.Pylori is something that's always going to be in your stomach. my GI put me on Protonix 40mg twice a day. for ME, it works great.
Google the H.Pylori in the meantime. good luck hobbity, danny
I have diverticulosis, IBS-D , Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, Esophagitis, GERD, small polyps non cancerous on stomach lining , 1000’s deep wet belching daily , non stop churning gut .
10 long years, tried everything under the sun . On 5 th Gastro Dr .
Going to get my 4 th colonoscopy & endoscopy next week .
Ugh every day is a horrible struggle .
Nothing helps me . I live on Ultra Pepto . Nothing else works . That doesn’t even work much anymore.
It’s definitely depressing.
I hope you get some answers.
please @rozy288, after your colonoscopy & endoscopy next week tell us what was found out if you a willing. interested with what is found & what doctor is going to do for you. d
This is my 4 th of each in 12 years. Yes I’ll share any new diagnosis that they find. I have 7 already as you read .
Hopefully no cancer but then again, I’m suffering so badly daily ,, I hope they find something that can be fixed .
Reading your words I thought it was me. I have everything you mentioned except the polyps. I have something called crushed glass polyps in my lungs. Twenty-one of them. I am 82 years young and have been suffering with IBS-D since my thirties. I do take Dicyclomine (Bentyl) for the pain. Had colonoscopies every five years since age 33. Nothing ever found. Many biopsies during endoscopies for Celiac, also negative. Although I have been gluten free for 12 years. I do get horrible diarrhea if I eat wheat. I also have a rare condition called CVID. (boy in the bubble, but not as bad). We have very low IgG, IgA, and IgM. I do blood plasma infusions to get other people's antiobodies. I wasn't diagnosed until age 65. A lot of people with low IgA, have gastric issues but gastro's very seldom think of testing for low gamma globulin. I even have an app on my phone called We Can't Wait, it finds bathrooms in the area where you are. For those of you that have IBS-D, not fun on long drives.
I am in the same boat as you. I have exactly what you have. Its horrible. And I eat healthy. No red meat, mostly sockeye salmon, tuna or chicken. It makes me wonder what is really in our food
I am on Protonix too