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I had been on PPI's since the 90,s and had LYNX sugery at Mayo in Phoeniz Az Dec 2014. Despite all that I still had to continue taking Zantac twice a day and still had burning. I read everything I could get my hands on and finally came across a book called "Fast Tract Digestion, Heartburn." It changed my life in just a few days. Went of the meds within one day. Lost the 5 pounds of water bloat in 2 days but the biggest surprise was it lowered my A1C to the normal range after battling it for 40 years! I had to cut out fruit which was my only cheat and it turns out all the foods I had been told to cut out, coffee, wine, ect, don't bother me at all. Hopefully this will help

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Replies to "I had been on PPI's since the 90,s and had LYNX sugery at Mayo in Phoeniz..."

Hi @saucy. P.S. Love your username 🙂 Welcome to Connect!

Wow, isn't it interesting how different things affect different people!? Other than cutting out fruit, what else did the book recommend? So glad to hear you are doing better... and get to enjoy your wine!

Thanks for the welcome. I have never corresponded with any sites before but I've been so excited by the results of this simple diet when nothing else has worked for years! I have been on a low carb diet since the 90's due to high blood sugars. I always felt that my reflux and diabetes were somehow tied together. I have a low BMI, work out regularly, don't smoke and don't fit the profile for either but I was always told they were genetic. What I didn't know was that the high fiber and fruit were the main culprit. I was eating protein bars that were high in fiber and of course fruit. I had never heard of fruit malabsorbtion. I was tested for fruit and lactose intolerance before my surgery and was told it was negative so never considered the fruit. All diets rave about fruit being good so never considered it to be the problem all though I always noticed that several hours after eating it my stomach would burn. It's mainly a low carb low fiber diet but I eat most vegetables just not corn,potatoes or high starch vegetables. Now when I eat something I shouldn't I feel it for several days and my blood sugar and water weight goes up. I want to share this in hopes it will help someone else struggling with these problems. And yes I do enjoy my wine and coffee!

Very interesting, I will try it, at this point I'll try anything thanks<br><br>