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You are not alone, I know exactly how you feel. I got Covid back in February 2023. I have been sick since then. I was bedridden for months . I’ve been to doctor after doctor, tests after tests. This affected every part of my body and organs and I have never been the same. There was a couple times I thought I was getting better just to be fooled because BAM everything came back worse.
I have so many symptoms which are too many to list, and I’m getting more even after a year of this. I have just about every symptom that you read in the support group. I switched neurologist, because my original one did nothing to help me. The new neurologist asked, am I seeing a therapist because I might need to. In other words, I’m taking it he thinks it’s in my head. SMH! I have been to more doctors last year and again this year more than I have in my entire life. I even went to U Of M emergency room when I couldn’t really walk and was so weak and they did nothing but send me home. They were useless. Not to wish ill on anybody but sometimes when I’m at the doctors when they’re trying to dismiss everything and saying everything’s fine, I wish to God they would get this, so they can feel what we do.
While waiting for my pulmonary doctor to come in last week, I was talking to a resident doctor, and he is the only one that actually believed, and said he read about every symptom I described and said long Covid is kind of like getting brain damage, and it affects every part of your body and destroys it. He was the only one that was honest, and did not dismiss it. When my pulmonary doctor came in, he dismissed it. I wanted him to fill out a handicap, placard application for me, because he did a temporary one for me last year, but I wanted this one to be permanent. He said. “ well I don’t know if they will approve this and you already check marked permanent on there and not temporary”. I told him very aggravated. “BECAUSE IT’S NOT GOING AWAY.!!!” so he ended up filling it out but I haven’t been to get it turned in yet.
And I understand what you mean about being suicidal because of all this I have no quality of life anymore. It’s a good thing I love my children and grandchildren more than I love myself, so I will continue living in misery for them. Do I think about just ending all this so I don’t have to suffer anymore? Absolutely!! Will I ever try to commit suicide.? Absolutely not, but I wouldn’t be opposed to being hit by a truck.
So just try and hang in there like I am and let’s hope answers will come soon!

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Replies to "You are not alone, I know exactly how you feel. I got Covid back in February..."

Your story and the others like you is SO SAD and So wrong that no doctor can help you!! And worse yet...they totally Dismiss you!! SO WRONG!!! Does anyone on the Mayo Clinic staff see these posts and want to offer help to these people???? I am outraged by our medical system...simply dismissing these people....come on doctors.....HELP THEM!

Your story sounds like a mirror image of mine. I have been sick for 3 years next month. Same
thing, in and out of ER's, labeled me as in my head. Mine comes and goes hour by hour. Joints, nausea, stomach pain, bloating, constant right sided pain, legs, vision, hearing, sweating, constipation all the time, detached retina. To be honest, my Guts hurt all the time. I have had 3 Colonoscopies, three Endoscopies, heart tests, every Gastric study ever recorded. Swallowed the Camera pill, not once, but twice. Every orifice I own has had something in it or coming out of it. Sleeping is over, about 2 hours a night, then I am up walking the floor
in pain. Even my family thinks it is in my head, it is not! Was always active, positive, never
depressed in my Life. Pain in my forehead is dominant daily. I refuse to take mind pills, so I deal with it. I cry a good bit now from the pain and dying body parts. NO ONE WANTS OR EVEN TRIES TO HELP ME, BECAUSE EVERTHING ON ME HURTS! I found one Surgeon who promised to not abandon me.
My discs are herniating and Thoracic pain is awful. He sent me to a Pain Management M. D., she listened and looked at me and said,"put a Lidocaine patch on it and see me in 2 months." They don't make enough Lidocaine patches to patch me. This is what I run into daily. Dying is not my fear, living like this is! I had two shots, then got Covid,
the Flu and Shingles within two months. I hope Fauci meets his maker, but not before he
contracts this crap. I am sick and fight this daily. My husband is sick of my constant moaning and groaning. Guess what, so am I. I have no hope anymore. I have been to 3 Teaching Hospital Doctors, who would not listen, 4 Gastro's, ENT who ruined my eardrum, 3 Primary
Care Physicians, Endocrinologist, Neurologists, Holistic Physician, Orthopedics, Cardiologists, Surgeons, Urologists. Saw a Psychiatrist and he did an evaluation on me, quoting I had a physical medical condition, but not mental/ asked why I was seeing him. I have spent
so much money trying to get well. I believed my Internist labeled me and it followed me
from one Doctor to the other, none would touch me, just passed me off to the next one.
Easy tactic to not have to deal with something they know nothing about. Good Luck and
pray someone will help us before it is too late! Oh, I also itch and stay tired all the time. Not a fun and happy life. I too, wish some of these Doctors will endure what I have for the last
three years. Maybe then, one would listen. Keep praying, maybe they will!