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@joem we took your question to a pharmacist here at Mayo Clinic. She offers this information:

"Great question Joe. @lynnkay1956’s response about the body making more cholesterol at night is correct. With regard to aspirin: Taking aspirin at night is still being studied. A 2013 Dutch study found that the platelet activity in the morning was decreased more when aspirin was taken at bedtime rather than in the morning. However, the study also stated that further research is needed to determine if this actually decreases the amount of morning cardiovascular events. In other words, it may affect the platelet activity, but it has yet to be seen if it actually decreases the number of heart attacks and strokes. Key points to keep in mind with aspirin therapy: 1. Discuss with your doctor before starting it. 2. Take it at the same time every day."

Hope this helps.

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Replies to "@joem we took your question to a pharmacist here at Mayo Clinic. She offers this information:..."

Any update on taking aspirin at night since this reply a bit over a year ago? I'll search PubMed, too.

No change, so far as I can tell, @soloact. I have been taking aspirin for several years, always at the end of the day, because of advice that heart problems tend to group at night. As for statins, I'm back on atorvastatin now, and given the variations in statins, I follow the advice of middle-of-the-road counselors: I take it with my evening meal. Martin

No change, so far as I can tell, @soloact. I have been taking aspirin for several years, always at the end of the day, because of advice that heart problems tend to group at night. As for statins, I’m back on atorvastatin now, and given the variations in statins, I follow the advice of middle-of-the-road counselors: I take it with my evening meal. Martin

I didn't know about the guidance to take the aspirin at night. Thanks for making me aware.