How do you feel about falling?

Posted by Steph-Words That Fly @stephcarney, Jan 7, 2024

In the last two winters I've had two falls. The first was a series of three falls on an icy trail within 15 minutes resulting in a badly sprained wrist that took a looong time to recover from. Now I'm terrified of the ice or even slippery new snow, so I have four different sets of micro spikes.

Early last spring I fell down the steps (indoors) carrying my ailing dog to let her out in the middle of the night. She was fine. I was badly bruised in multiple places. Now, no socks on steps, carry only one thing and hold the rail. I manage steps very carefully.

I am paranoid about falling. Maybe I should practice falling correctly! What are your thoughts about falling? What do you do to prevent falls?

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I also had a total hip replacement- last June. It went fine, recovery fine, but I have this fear of falling. The PT says that I am “scared walking.” I watch the ground, walk slowly, and generally just move very tentatively.

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Yes, exactly. I don't know about you, but my surgeon has already seen me twice. The last time he said I will see you in two years. As I am already 89, who know if I will be around then? But, yes, I am scared walking outside. If you fall, concrete is unforgiving. I walk slowly and use a cane.


Yes, exactly. I don't know about you, but my surgeon has already seen me twice. The last time he said I will see you in two years. As I am already 89, who know if I will be around then? But, yes, I am scared walking outside. If you fall, concrete is unforgiving. I walk slowly and use a cane.

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@thisismarilynb Still alive, awake, moving around and using the internet. You are awesome Marilyn!


@thisismarilynb Still alive, awake, moving around and using the internet. You are awesome Marilyn!

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Thanks for the good words, but I do not think I am awesome. However I do wonder how come I am still alive. Perhaps because I do not feel like 89, do not look 89 and do not think like "an old person" I can use a computer because I had to learn to use it when I was working. As for moving, if you don't, you die. It's that simple.


I have Ataxia.
It is caused by problems in the brain (Cerebellum). This part of the brain controls the balance and coordination of the body.
My chances of falling are very high so I must use a walker. There’s no cure, but there are therapeutic options for me.
I live alone and wear an Apple Watch specifically, because it has several safety features like a fall detector.


I wasn't that concerned about falling until recently. I was taken all necessary precautions and I was walking four or five miles a day with my beagle. I even wore spikes on my boots! Unfortunately, I fell 6 weeks ago and have a Colles fracture of my wrist. They told me it was a very serious injury, it was comminuted and broken in more than three places! I won't go into details, but I had a close reduction in a splint on for 2 weeks, a fiberglass one for 4 weeks now and I'll have a removable cast and a lot of physical therapy for the next 2 months. It can take up to a year to heal. I have a good outlook, this was just a pure accident! No matter what, I'm going to be 72 years old soon, and I will go to physical therapy for my underlying fibromyalgia and SFN in my feet, and to work on my balance soon enough. It's important we all stay in the best shape that we can, and I believe, consult with the proper medical team to address our respective health concerns, and how well we can ambulate, in order to protect ourselves. I feel for you all, I wish you the best!


I wasn't that concerned about falling until recently. I was taken all necessary precautions and I was walking four or five miles a day with my beagle. I even wore spikes on my boots! Unfortunately, I fell 6 weeks ago and have a Colles fracture of my wrist. They told me it was a very serious injury, it was comminuted and broken in more than three places! I won't go into details, but I had a close reduction in a splint on for 2 weeks, a fiberglass one for 4 weeks now and I'll have a removable cast and a lot of physical therapy for the next 2 months. It can take up to a year to heal. I have a good outlook, this was just a pure accident! No matter what, I'm going to be 72 years old soon, and I will go to physical therapy for my underlying fibromyalgia and SFN in my feet, and to work on my balance soon enough. It's important we all stay in the best shape that we can, and I believe, consult with the proper medical team to address our respective health concerns, and how well we can ambulate, in order to protect ourselves. I feel for you all, I wish you the best!

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@frobvt You're a trooper1 Accidents happen but they don't have to be the end of staying active and healthy as we age. You have the right attitude! 😊


@frobvt You're a trooper1 Accidents happen but they don't have to be the end of staying active and healthy as we age. You have the right attitude! 😊

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Thank you so much! We all get discouraged, but we've got to keep on going!


Many sympathies for you and your dog. Because I live on a steep hillside, 81 places to step either up or down when circumnavating my house, I had a dozen handrails installed. Yes, I always use them.

Also, grab bars installed next to toilets and a pair in shower/tubs. Note: this latter should preferably be horizontal. Never diagonal. Google grab bar installation. Stay safe!


I wasn't that concerned about falling until recently. I was taken all necessary precautions and I was walking four or five miles a day with my beagle. I even wore spikes on my boots! Unfortunately, I fell 6 weeks ago and have a Colles fracture of my wrist. They told me it was a very serious injury, it was comminuted and broken in more than three places! I won't go into details, but I had a close reduction in a splint on for 2 weeks, a fiberglass one for 4 weeks now and I'll have a removable cast and a lot of physical therapy for the next 2 months. It can take up to a year to heal. I have a good outlook, this was just a pure accident! No matter what, I'm going to be 72 years old soon, and I will go to physical therapy for my underlying fibromyalgia and SFN in my feet, and to work on my balance soon enough. It's important we all stay in the best shape that we can, and I believe, consult with the proper medical team to address our respective health concerns, and how well we can ambulate, in order to protect ourselves. I feel for you all, I wish you the best!

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Remember excersise are not enough you have do specific ones for balance.


Remember excersise are not enough you have do specific ones for balance.

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Yes, that is true, thank you for posting that. I will address that with the PT!

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