Total Knee Replacement

Posted by adillen1 @adillen1, Dec 22, 2023

Just had a TKR on Friday
Lot of Burning when bending and lifting, still a little tingly and under knee cap hurts
Can someone also explain degrees of flexion
Is 80 degrees better then 90

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Thank you for your quick and very informative response. I feel as though I have found a comrade in you! I try to stretch in the morning in bed, as well and it does help me a lot. I also get on the stationary bike to loosen up the knee and that seems to ease the stiffness.
I've been trying to walk more in the house, but it's tough. Sounds like you and your husband made a good choice to spend time in Florida, where you have nice weather and a swimming pool. And I'm glad you are beginning to see a light...
Where do you reside in Chicago? I'm in the NW suburbs - Lake Zurich. Maybe when you're back we can meet? Would love to just sit and talk with you live.
Thank you again for your insightful advice -- it has helped me immensely already!

P.S. I don't know who Cathy is? Did she reply to my post at some point?

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Hello Cheryl,
Sorry for addressing you as Cathy,
I live in St. John, Indiana. Prior to 2004, I lived in the south suburbs of Chicago for 48 years. Saint John is about 75 miles from Lake Zurich, and I don’t drive expressways anymore. We can still converse through the Mayo Clinic Connect on our progress. I don’t know anyone that had a recent TKR, so it’s nice conversing with you. I think we are both where we are supposed to be. My surgeon told me it would take one year to heal. I knew that going into the surgery, however, I didn’t think I would have so much pain. Hang in there.


All the best in your recovery!

I just had my second TKA on 1/10/24 - first was 9/13/23. Burning is normal - that is your nerves firing and communicating.

Goal for flexion is 150 degrees. So 90 is better than 80.

Be DILIGENT in your daily exercises and work hard. It is SO painful - but well worth it. My second knee is already at 130 degree flexion and Wednesday will be 4 weeks.

I ice almost all day long - I have a BERG cube - that helps tremendously. Baby yourself - take it easy and try to rest and sleep. Your body needs sleep to heal.


Hello Cheryl,
Sorry for addressing you as Cathy,
I live in St. John, Indiana. Prior to 2004, I lived in the south suburbs of Chicago for 48 years. Saint John is about 75 miles from Lake Zurich, and I don’t drive expressways anymore. We can still converse through the Mayo Clinic Connect on our progress. I don’t know anyone that had a recent TKR, so it’s nice conversing with you. I think we are both where we are supposed to be. My surgeon told me it would take one year to heal. I knew that going into the surgery, however, I didn’t think I would have so much pain. Hang in there.

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Hello Sue,
I hope you had a nice weekend and the weather in Florida is getting warmer!
Too bad we are not closer to one another, but I'm fine with conversing with you over Mayo Clinic.
I have a few questions for you that I think you may be able to answer and I so very much appreciate having connected with you.

1. The click you are referring to in your knee - I have the same thing. Could this be related to the Baker's cyst?
2. Did your knee feel like it was in a vice during your recovery? I mentioned this to my surgeon and he basically denied it could feel that way. If so, did anything help to alleviate this tightness?
3. I imagine you had bad swelling which led to a host of issues (I know I do and have). Did anything, besides ice, help? I started to see a chiropractor to do lymphatic massage but not sure it's really helping. And I do my own type of massage to bring the fluid up. My PT also does this for me each session.
4. Do you think that too much exercise can be bad for the knee since the more I exercise, the more it swells and tightens?
5. The knee usually feels pretty good in the morning, after a good night's sleep and then as the day goes on I'm in agony. Was this your experience as well?

My surgeon told me he needed 6 weeks out of my life. At least your surgeon gave you a straight, honest assessment of the healing period. But I agree. The pain has been intensive and exhausting and was not at all expected especially for as long as it has gone on.

I so appreciate you sharing your recovery and it has given me hope that this will eventually end.

Have a great week Sue!



Hi Cheryl,
1. The clicking is normal. Until the titanium and plastic get “used” to each other, I was told not to worry. The clicking isn’t from the Bakers Cyst. My clicking is on the lateral (outside) side of the knee. I still have pain in that area too. I was told the pain is from the IT band. I stretch, stretch, stretch everyday. Hoping that that pain will go away soon.
2. My knee pain felt like a constant, throbbing toothache with sharp knife like intermittent pains. The sharp pains were nerve pains. That’s what the Gabapentin was for. It was still swelling at four months too. Between the pains, swelling and stiffness, it was pretty bad. I still have the lateral pain from the tight IT band, but the nerve pain is gone. The swelling is minimal now, so that helps reduce pain too. I do remember my knee feeling very tight at times. Maybe that’s the vice like pain you refer to. To this day, my knee is still very stiff. It feels better when I walk and stretch.
3.Ice was my best friend for about four months. Sometimes I wouldn’t exercise for a few days if the swelling and pain were pain. I would take Tylenol or Ibuprofen sometimes too. I really felt that ice helped me the most. I was always rubbing and massaging my knee too.
4. If my knee is really sore, I look back on what I did the previous day or two. Yes, for me, I sometimes take a break from exercise for a day or two. When I was three to four months post op, I remember taking 3-4 days off if I was really swollen and sore.
5. Every day is different. Sometimes it hurts during the night, and when I wake up. Lately, I can’t wait to get out of bed so I can stretch and move. Around four months I remember it feeling worse in the afternoon or evening if I went shopping. I could only shop for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours at 4/6 months. I’m gradually getting stronger. Now I feel better as the day goes on.
Hope I answered your questions.
A friend of a friend had a recent TKR in September. Her doctor told her 12 - 18 months recovery. We still have a long healing process in front of us. Think positive and keep on moving.


Just want to keep encouraging everyone - it takes a lot of work and dedication to keep improving, but it is well worth it. I was fortunate to have a wonderful surgeon - one who was open and honest about the TKR experience and how long recovery takes. (I am a person who wants and respects the truth. Just tell me how it is!) My surgery took place about 15 months ago, and I continue to be happily surprised when I notice a new improvement.


Just want to keep encouraging everyone - it takes a lot of work and dedication to keep improving, but it is well worth it. I was fortunate to have a wonderful surgeon - one who was open and honest about the TKR experience and how long recovery takes. (I am a person who wants and respects the truth. Just tell me how it is!) My surgery took place about 15 months ago, and I continue to be happily surprised when I notice a new improvement.

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Thank you Fran.

I'm a 69 y/o male. In 2022 I had both knees replaced. I worked with a trainer for 6 months pre-surgery to get my legs in shape, and found the post-surgery rehab to be very tedious, but doable. I had a 20% nerve block in place for a few days after surgery.

I was back in the gym in 2 or 3 months and came back slowly. For that next year, I primarily did resistance exercise - leg presses and squats - to strengthen my legs and protect my knees.

This year I moved away from extensive resistance training and started cardio work - 3 times a week in a spin class and twice a week on a rowing machine. Since making this change, my legs and knees feel remarkable.

I realize I'm a unique success story. Just want to share the message that TKRs can be life changing if done right, and if the patient does all the work suggested and immediately following surgery.

All the best!


Thank you Fran.

I'm a 69 y/o male. In 2022 I had both knees replaced. I worked with a trainer for 6 months pre-surgery to get my legs in shape, and found the post-surgery rehab to be very tedious, but doable. I had a 20% nerve block in place for a few days after surgery.

I was back in the gym in 2 or 3 months and came back slowly. For that next year, I primarily did resistance exercise - leg presses and squats - to strengthen my legs and protect my knees.

This year I moved away from extensive resistance training and started cardio work - 3 times a week in a spin class and twice a week on a rowing machine. Since making this change, my legs and knees feel remarkable.

I realize I'm a unique success story. Just want to share the message that TKRs can be life changing if done right, and if the patient does all the work suggested and immediately following surgery.

All the best!

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Hello! Well, I had my second TKA on 1/10. Because I had done the prehab for the first knee (9/13/23) and then continued PT until 12/26 this knee is doing GREAT. When I saw the surgeon two weeks after my second knee he declared "wow, look at that quad fire!". I agree with you 100%. Once I can drive again I will start going to the gym for additional exercises - I am in PT until May. Thanks for all of your helpful advice and encouragement.


I have one year ago right knee replaced but now I feel my leg became weak don't have a lot of strength sometimes it feel leg wants to bugle under me feel weak. What shall I do or what is the cause of it. The carve feels sometime very stiff


Hi Cheryl,
1. The clicking is normal. Until the titanium and plastic get “used” to each other, I was told not to worry. The clicking isn’t from the Bakers Cyst. My clicking is on the lateral (outside) side of the knee. I still have pain in that area too. I was told the pain is from the IT band. I stretch, stretch, stretch everyday. Hoping that that pain will go away soon.
2. My knee pain felt like a constant, throbbing toothache with sharp knife like intermittent pains. The sharp pains were nerve pains. That’s what the Gabapentin was for. It was still swelling at four months too. Between the pains, swelling and stiffness, it was pretty bad. I still have the lateral pain from the tight IT band, but the nerve pain is gone. The swelling is minimal now, so that helps reduce pain too. I do remember my knee feeling very tight at times. Maybe that’s the vice like pain you refer to. To this day, my knee is still very stiff. It feels better when I walk and stretch.
3.Ice was my best friend for about four months. Sometimes I wouldn’t exercise for a few days if the swelling and pain were pain. I would take Tylenol or Ibuprofen sometimes too. I really felt that ice helped me the most. I was always rubbing and massaging my knee too.
4. If my knee is really sore, I look back on what I did the previous day or two. Yes, for me, I sometimes take a break from exercise for a day or two. When I was three to four months post op, I remember taking 3-4 days off if I was really swollen and sore.
5. Every day is different. Sometimes it hurts during the night, and when I wake up. Lately, I can’t wait to get out of bed so I can stretch and move. Around four months I remember it feeling worse in the afternoon or evening if I went shopping. I could only shop for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours at 4/6 months. I’m gradually getting stronger. Now I feel better as the day goes on.
Hope I answered your questions.
A friend of a friend had a recent TKR in September. Her doctor told her 12 - 18 months recovery. We still have a long healing process in front of us. Think positive and keep on moving.

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Hello Sue,
Hope you are doing well and still enjoying Florida. Thought I would give you an update on my knee progress as you have been most helpful during this frustrating recovery.
I finally went off the gabapentin, due to the side effects but the pain you speak about in #2 above returned. I decided to see my PCP last week and he prescribed Lyrica, thinking the side effects might be different or non-existent. I've been on it since Thursday but it will take a few weeks to kick in. My PT suggested I wear thigh high compression hose and I've been doing that as well, but the knee is still quite swollen - not sure if it's helping?
I find that when I've done a lot of walking (w/o the cane) I really pay the price the next day (to your point in #5 above).
Thank you again, for your great advice -- you have been a life saver to me and I'm trying to keep moving!



Great to hear from you!
Florida has been cold, like the rest of the country. I’ve been able to get several long walks in, but only two pools days so far because of the weather.
It will be 7 months post op on February 28th for me. I’m getting stronger every month, but know I still have a long healing process ahead. It’s not swollen anymore and can walk for miles. I went to my first dinner dance the other night and danced for three hours! I felt like I just broke out of prison! It was wonderful. The next morning, my knee wasn’t swollen and no increase in pain.
I just joined a knee replacement group on Facebook. You might enjoy it. Dr. Samantha Smith PT, runs the group. I just joined one of her exercise classes starting March 4th, as I’m getting bored with my exercise routine and need some fresh ideas. I still do my stretches everyday. I bought some resistance bands recently that seem to help.
I still have some IT band pain and pain on the bottom of the knee cap, but it is getting better. I’m learning how to kneel now. I’m a gardener, so want to be good to go by April. I’m following Dr. Samantha Smith’s kneeling video. It takes several weeks to get through her program. Her kneeling program is on YouTube.
I’m so happy you reached out. I was looking through our previous messages, and couldn’t find your surgery date. When did you have your surgery again? I hope the Lyrica helps you. Keep on stretching everyday and walking. Do you have a stationary bike? I don’t have one here and miss mine. I can join a gym for $100.00 a month down here. I think that’s a lot of money for one month, but I still might join so I can use the stationary bike.
Keep in touch! It will get better!

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