← Return to GCA prednisone vs. actemra infusion therapy

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I’m Bob …

My GCA has caused blindness in one eye and reduced vision in the other (stroke in eyes.) I started at 40 mg Prednisone, progressively tapered to 15 and started Actembra. I have done four injections over six weeks at two week intervals and had no adverse effects.

I have detested/hated the effects of prednisone, fatigue- balance-swelling, etc. and have lived for Actembra to make life better. Too soon to tell but the combination of reduced Prednisone and starting Actembra has made life with greatly reduced vision a little less miserable 😩

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Replies to "I’m Bob … My GCA has caused blindness in one eye and reduced vision in the..."

Can you take Actembra shots if you have a cough?