It's been 3 months since chemo ended. Can anyone share hair pics?

Posted by bmasters01 @bmasters01, Feb 4, 2024

It has been 3 months since end of chemo. Can anyone share their hair pictures or stories about hair regrowth?

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I had to give up on my real hair at least for now. It is kinky and frizzy and completely unmanageable. I own several wigs that look much more like my real hair and this is what I do. I am determined to look as good as I can


My hair kept trying to grow back during chemo. My last chemo cycle ended on Dec 8. I now (2/6/24) have full hair coverage (meaning no bald spots). Now some people think it's an edgy, intentional haircut a la Annie Lennox. This photo is of me and a long-haired rocker neighbor; we thought the juxtaposition was funny. Recently, I thought maybe I had put on eyeliner and forgot I had done that -- it's my eyelashes surging back.

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You look TERRIFIC! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I had to give up on my real hair at least for now. It is kinky and frizzy and completely unmanageable. I own several wigs that look much more like my real hair and this is what I do. I am determined to look as good as I can

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Kinky chemo hair is what I have been hearing. I have more turbans to wear. I live in Phoenix so my wigs are very hot in the summer here.
Thanks for the information.!


My hair kept trying to grow back during chemo. My last chemo cycle ended on Dec 8. I now (2/6/24) have full hair coverage (meaning no bald spots). Now some people think it's an edgy, intentional haircut a la Annie Lennox. This photo is of me and a long-haired rocker neighbor; we thought the juxtaposition was funny. Recently, I thought maybe I had put on eyeliner and forgot I had done that -- it's my eyelashes surging back.

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I have had many comments now - my hair looks a lot like yours. I will stick to my turbans.


Kinky chemo hair is what I have been hearing. I have more turbans to wear. I live in Phoenix so my wigs are very hot in the summer here.
Thanks for the information.!

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You might check into Rachel Welch Luxlite cap wigs. Very sheer cap. I live in FL and it is comfortable for me.
You are beautiful no matter what you choose to do.


Thank you for the information - chemo hair seems to be most common


You look TERRIFIC! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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You are too kind. Now my hair is thickening. And it's all coming back, some in places I would rather it didn't.


It's been a while, but here was my 3 month hair. After that it came in curly, now at 3 years curls are at the bottom.


It's been a while, but here was my 3 month hair. After that it came in curly, now at 3 years curls are at the bottom.

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thank you


Hi! I know I'm late to the party, but I'd love to join in! Losing my hair to chemo didn't affect me too much emotionally, thankfully, although I know it's different for everyone. I did find it a very interesting process, so I'm happy to (over?)share! I can tell you, I never, ever took selfies before cancer. Once I was diagnosed, I was snapping pics of everything; my biopsy bruise, my surgical incisions, my (grotesque) radiation burns, my beautiful bald head, and every stage of regrowth. I swear I'm not a narcissist; I just wanted to document my journey! I had heard of "chemo curls" and wondered if I'd get them--I sure did, and I loved it! They have pretty much grown out now, two years post-chemo and several haircuts later. I know several ladies who had very similar regrowth to mine. There was definitely a mullet stage; that's when I got my first haircut, about 11 months after my last chemo infusion. Oh! One more thing--I didn't lose my eyebrows and lashes until the very end of chemo, and they have been much slower to grow back. I have some, but not much. Anyway, I'm always long-winded when I post here. Best to all! (If you click the pics, they are labeled with when they fall in the timeline.)

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