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Classic lupron ae's yeah, nice ! They did not tell me about that when I started it all. If so I certainly would have sought out a more modern treatment, it does not pay to let a cancer doc in a one horse town treat you. I am stuck, into it for two years of lupron, radiation etc Undetectable psa for almost two years now, They want me to do a third year of lupron , am not so sure about that but you can always stop the shots , at least get them in 3 month intervals .
I am 77 and really do not care about libido , sex ,,ha ! I think life is must easier without it. But exercise is another story , I do gym 5 times a week, machines, some free weight and about 25 minutes on the stationary bikes . the cardio is important for me as a cyclist. As long as I can ride it is good. What can we do except keep up with our shadow.

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Replies to "Classic lupron ae's yeah, nice ! They did not tell me about that when I started..."

Solidwater, here's the thing. The Lupron stopped your testosterone from adding fuel to the cancer fire. Let's look at it this way. When your testosterone stopped it tends to curb the cancers appetite and the cancer slows to a crawl. Then the docs treat it. If your doctors are sure they have dealt with the cancer then ask them why is Lupron necessary any more?? My doc stopped my Lupron about a year ago and my cancer was a Gleason 10. If your psa is undetectable that's what it's all about. Look the doc straight in the eye and ask what-the-hell?? The decision is yours and yours alone. Ask the questions, what are the numbers, and get yes or no answers.