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Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Apr 26 6:32pm | Replies (327)

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I have suffered extreme illness from Klonipin after being on it for 3 years. I would wake up and start vomitting for a day and stay in bed for 2- 3 days. My stomach was constantly nauseous, my intestines were twisted in knots couldn't eat. Just to name a few side effects suffered. All tests came back negative for gall stones, ulcers etc.
To no avail I could not find answers until I looked up side effects of Klonipin and there I was! I suffered from paralyzing anxiety, left my job hanging could not address it, basically couldn't live.
I told my doctor what I found out and he LAUGHED at me! Stated only 1% people suffer side effects. I told him I wanted to wean off Klonipin he told me take a vitamin!!
No one but no one should wean themselves off of Klonipin by themselves, could be deadly! Most people have to enter detox to go off the medicine and here my whacko doctor told me to take a vitamin! How dare he call himself a doctor. I entered out patient therapy, found a psychriatrist and a new MD of course! With all of this and more no lawyer will touch the case due to the fact Texas has a 250,000.00 cap on malpractice cases so no lawyer finds it profitable to take this on! So no justice through malpractice nor the makers of Klonipin. It absolutely sucks that we trust our doctors, they destroy us but nothing can be done! So much for our government For The People. More like Government for the money!

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Replies to "I have suffered extreme illness from Klonipin after being on it for 3 years. I would..."

Going to rehab would be the last thing anyone would want to do to discontinue a benzodiazepine. They must be tapered very very slowly for months, even years for some people. Tapering too quickly can cause immense, long term suffering. Please do some research before EVER entering a rehab center for benzodiazepines.

I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I personally hate this medication, was on it for 7 months (6 months of hell) and finally quit cold turkey as it was causing multiple symptoms. Most physicians don't understand this med, especially the older ones! I know I shouldn't have stopped cold turkey but wasn't even going to try to detox for months or longer while I had these symptoms going on. Two of the three symptoms have disappeared but body vibratons continue, for 11 months now. Doctors don't know why but when I discussed protracted withdrawal symptoms to neurogist he ignored that and said he doesn't buy the crap in the article, which I brought along with me btw. So all I can tell you is many physicians suck and frankly are dangerous. I have 2 nephews who are docs. and we've had these converations. Both told me they are appalled at what they've seen in their fields. It's like any other field, you have good and bad. The bad ones can kill you as medical errors is third leading cause of death in this country. Sad but true!! Google it if you don't believe me. Best of luck to you! I understand your pain!

The worst thing you can do is go to rehab for benzodiazepine withdrawal. It’s a no no. You have to taper this drug very, very slowly. This should be done at home with the support of your doctor.