← Return to Newly diagnosed with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and terrified

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Thanks Fam,

I finally received a message from Doc via my portal and he said my kidney function is stable, and all my blood work was fine and urine, advised me to keep blood pressure under control. Now since then I went to the ER because I kept feeling light headed and somewhat unbalanced when I walk. They admitted me and gave me the works, an Echo, MRI, Cat scan and everything was normal. Thank God Now they kept me on fluid and while there my creatin went down from 2.4 to 2.0 and GFR went up from 27 to 34, I was encouraged, I pray the Lord keeps it stable. I Thank all of you for your support via this board.

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Replies to "Thanks Fam, I finally received a message from Doc via my portal and he said my..."

dad0229, Nephrologists tracking my kidney function since 2014. They track proteinuria, creatinine, levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, sodium, blood pressure, and many other things. I drink approx. 60-70 oz of water/day. I used to power exercise weights, treadmill, and swim 3-4/times a week. This increased my creatinine. It seems there's conflicting information but we do the best we can. My eGFR/creatinine has fluctuated over the years. I asked for a Csystatin test to test GFR to compare results. My experience is not to be alarmed when creatinine rises or falls, it is stability they're looking for. I guess a range over time. My eGFR goes from 33 to 25 to 30 to 27. Honestly, it bounces around. I have had proteinuria in the past, but the last 5 tests show no proteinuria. Go figure. Sometimes lab tests are incorrect. My Nephs diagnosis was incorrect locally and corrected at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. We're all human, mistakes are made. I'm not easily alarmed anymore. I used to panic when I saw a bad number. My previous Neph would say "Drink more water" I was already drowning myself with water. Neph would say "Don't exercise before the blood test" Now I know the rise in creatinine was temporary because I stressed my muscles. That's why creatinine increases. Bodybuilders have high creatinine levels.
I now know, to eat the right foods, stay away from processed foods, exercise moderately, and drink water but don't overdo it either. You need salt and potassium. I stay away from processed meats (very bad). Best of luck to your health.