Chronic abdominal pain docs can’t explain!!

Posted by jlg17 @jlg17, Feb 12 6:08pm

I’m 53 year old male. Chronic abdominal pain. Right side and in back and front. Had many tests. And blood work. No findings. I feel they missing somthing like pc or somthing bad. Any advice ?

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jig17, Have you had an ultrasound done of your gallbladder, appendix & liver? Also, IBS can hurt in either side with spasms. This can be diagnosed usually by a gastroenterologist. Praying for you. God Bless You!


Just returned from a doctor visit concerning lower left side abdominal,pain. I have serious spinal problems with intermittent sciatica but this was different so I thought I better check it out. We are different age/sex, but I’m wondering if you recently did some heavy lifting, overstretching or anything similar. My exam today suggests severe muscle strain or possibly a small undetectable by touch, hernia ( yes women get them). I’m now waiting for insurance approval for an mri, was told if it’s a small hernia only an mri will detect it ( ultrasound will not). So possibly think if you did anything in the way of lifting or straining a muscle.


jig17, Have you had an ultrasound done of your gallbladder, appendix & liver? Also, IBS can hurt in either side with spasms. This can be diagnosed usually by a gastroenterologist. Praying for you. God Bless You!

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Gallbladder removed years ago. Thx for your reply


Does it feel like it’s internal, as in an organ, or like a muscle pain near the surface?


Pain is real. Pain has a real cause. From my point of view, from what you are really have to find out what is going on.

I would find the nearest major city to you, find the very top gastro guy in that city and go to him.

Don't want to alarm you, but this just happened. My sister-in-law had undiagnosed stomach pain for 2 years. They just found out, it is something called follicular lymphoma...cancer.

US News Magazine publishes a list of the best hospitals in the country.

Here's the link to the best gastro hospitals:

#1 in the country is the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

If the best traditional doctors can't find something, might want to look into a Holistic MD. They are regular MDs, but with an interest in possible natural cures. They might explore some area that regular doctors might not.

Also, generally, might want to check on food allergies. They can cause various kinds of problems. Frankly, not sure your symptoms comport with that, but it is a general issue and one that sometimes gets overlooked.


Thx so much. Just had a couple tests today and a gi is scheduled Feb 23

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