Has the contrast used in an MRI caused anyone to have kidney damage?

Posted by rita @ritabtripp, Feb 11, 2024

Because I have a CHEK2 mutation that puts me at a higher risk of breast cancer, my physician is strongly urging me to have an annual MRI of my breasts and an annual mammogram - 6 months apart. I don’t think there is radiation with an MRI but worry about the contrast that is going through my kidneys with the MRI. Has anyone with healthy kidneys had an issue with the contrast causing kidney damage? I’m 67 years old and I know that as we age our kidneys begin to age too. I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of having the MRi annually

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Thanks for that tip! Had no idea you could get IV hydration to lessen the effects of the contrast. The PEM mammo sounds interesting also I wonder if that uses any radioactive components? I do know that MRI is really the only imaging in use today that shows ILC with any relability at all. Regular mammo, even 3d, and US are pretty useless for ILC. I really wish breast doctors would explain BEFORE we all get diagnosed.... I was told for years that 3d mammo + US would catch anything early. Not true.

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I didn’t know that either. Thanks for educating me. And it helps me make the decision to go ahead snd get the MRI. Thanks!


Thanks for that tip! Had no idea you could get IV hydration to lessen the effects of the contrast. The PEM mammo sounds interesting also I wonder if that uses any radioactive components? I do know that MRI is really the only imaging in use today that shows ILC with any relability at all. Regular mammo, even 3d, and US are pretty useless for ILC. I really wish breast doctors would explain BEFORE we all get diagnosed.... I was told for years that 3d mammo + US would catch anything early. Not true.

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For lilacs777 - this is Mulkey@518 - that is a true statement— I had my annual MAMMO & US March 2024 -
Then in April 30th I felt a lump - got another Ultrasound in March Radiologist Doctor unsure of what it was and later had a biopsy- which came out as being Cancer of the Blood Vessels- ANGIOSARCOMA.


This is mulkey @ 518
Correction to my earlier post to Lilacs777

The correct date for my annual MAMMO & US is March 2023 and not typo 2024


Before any contrast CAT scan or MRI, in my part of the world, they deman a creatinine blood test, which tells them whether your kidneys are able to discard the contrast or not.


Thanks for that tip! Had no idea you could get IV hydration to lessen the effects of the contrast. The PEM mammo sounds interesting also I wonder if that uses any radioactive components? I do know that MRI is really the only imaging in use today that shows ILC with any relability at all. Regular mammo, even 3d, and US are pretty useless for ILC. I really wish breast doctors would explain BEFORE we all get diagnosed.... I was told for years that 3d mammo + US would catch anything early. Not true.

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Def not true! Mommodid not find 2 large tumors in one breast!


My nephrologist opined that the contrast used for CT is the one that is concerning for kidneys and the contrast for breast MRI is relatively safe. I do not have kidney disease but I did ask this question as I get MRI annually now.


That is very helpful and reassuring. Thank you!


I love the idea of getting IV hydration if by I decide to get the MRI. Thank you so much!!!

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I am only having followup mris for my breast cancer. As I said I had mammos and the ILC breast cancer did not show up. It did show up on ultra sound when I pointed out the lump. I am going to continue my follow ups with mri and I am going to have iv hydration before I have the mri because of the dye. Dye is bad for kidneys.

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