Radiation or not

Posted by gerarda @gerarda, Nov 23, 2022

I’m 77 and had a lumpectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma. ER+, Her2-, 1.4cm.
Oncologist said radiation and tamoxifen,
Tamoxifen because I have mild osteoporosis and it’s less damaging to the bones. She also said that it was reasonable for me to skip RT.
The radiologist said with radiation the chance of recurrence would be 1-2%, without radiation it would be 10%. She also said it would be okay to skip radiation because the overall survival rate is the same, with or without radiation. Has anyone had to make that choice? I would love some input. Thanks.

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I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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Can you stay in the area for the radiation treatments at a weekly rate hotel? Are there any really cheap Bed and breakfasts or a room to rent there for a month?

Can you get a friend to drive you there daily and plan on lunch before heading back?


I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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If you had a double mastectomy, why do they want to do radiation? I have a friend who had same as you but they told her no radiation needed. If you are unsure get a 2nd opinion.


I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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You possibly might check with the social worker on your team- or see if there is one available. There were many options for places to stay- from free, $45 to % off hotels in area.

I had 15 days radiation(I’m 60)and had a 3 hr drive. They really tried to work a good schedule for me to help with travel. A late afternoon, spend night and then an early morning and go home.


I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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mc18089 @mc18089

Always hard to make decision about treatment.
Is there a Hope Lodge at location where the radiation would be done? It could provide lodging.
For more info: https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge.html

Ask your oncologist the chance of recurrence with or without radiation. Then you can make an informed decision.



I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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Check out the TAILOR RT clinical trial . It’s ongoing and has two arms 1- Aromatase only and 2- Aromatase plus Standard fraction radiation.

It’s a phase 3 clinical trial that is looking at the need for “ standard” radiation protocols in certain breast cancer subtypes. If you are ER/PR+ HER2- with ONCOTYPE below 25 and node positive under 3 you may qualify. If you qualify ( there are other background medical considerations) you may be placed in the Aromatase only arm of study. You can always drop out of any study.


I am a 75 yr old female. I recently went thru radical double mastectomy with 1 lymph node removal for 11% hormone receptor cancer. I do not want to go through radiation. I have been trying to research articles on radiation pros and cons at my age. It would be a hardship on me to travel a hour and half each way to radiation every day for several weeks. Any opinions would be helpful.

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I am on canada I have to go 1 hour to radiation and the hospital I go to set you up in a hotel called the Residence Inn for the week $33 a night with three meals a day and I get rides there and back Monday and Friday I pay $10 each way. There should be something in your city for you that's paid for by the Cancer Society


Check out the TAILOR RT clinical trial . It’s ongoing and has two arms 1- Aromatase only and 2- Aromatase plus Standard fraction radiation.

It’s a phase 3 clinical trial that is looking at the need for “ standard” radiation protocols in certain breast cancer subtypes. If you are ER/PR+ HER2- with ONCOTYPE below 25 and node positive under 3 you may qualify. If you qualify ( there are other background medical considerations) you may be placed in the Aromatase only arm of study. You can always drop out of any study.

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I am interested in the clinical trial study Taylor Rt. Can you please send me information on this study.

I have a radical double mastectomy and one lymph node removal and I do not want radiation as it would be a hardship on me to travel the distance everyday.

I am 75 years old

Mary Ann Cilento

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy. They just promised it would most likely be worth it."


Check out the TAILOR RT clinical trial . It’s ongoing and has two arms 1- Aromatase only and 2- Aromatase plus Standard fraction radiation.

It’s a phase 3 clinical trial that is looking at the need for “ standard” radiation protocols in certain breast cancer subtypes. If you are ER/PR+ HER2- with ONCOTYPE below 25 and node positive under 3 you may qualify. If you qualify ( there are other background medical considerations) you may be placed in the Aromatase only arm of study. You can always drop out of any study.

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Thank you so much. I have just sent them an email. It is so difficult to get my oncologist to give me information. I am trying to get a 2nd consult with another cancer group. I have only one kidney, that is also stage 3 CKD and taking the recptor blockers and the radiation is a concern, as well the distance I have to travel because I live so rural to any major cities.


mc18089 @mc18089

Always hard to make decision about treatment.
Is there a Hope Lodge at location where the radiation would be done? It could provide lodging.
For more info: https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge.html

Ask your oncologist the chance of recurrence with or without radiation. Then you can make an informed decision.


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Thank you for your info, I just pulled up the hope lodge and although there are none close to me there is phone number I can call for other possibilities.


Thank you so much. I have just sent them an email. It is so difficult to get my oncologist to give me information. I am trying to get a 2nd consult with another cancer group. I have only one kidney, that is also stage 3 CKD and taking the recptor blockers and the radiation is a concern, as well the distance I have to travel because I live so rural to any major cities.

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To mc18089 - this is

I definitely would get another doctor’s opinion- but I do hesitate when the second opinion doctor ask me what did my oncology say in the discussion of my cancer & treatment options. Also. Some second opinion doctors request your medical documents of your cancer so that they can review it. I don’t like when second opinion doctors to this because I am paying them for their honest second opinions and not for them to take a short cut and review what the oncologist has told me and get paid for a full blown second opinion. I want the second opinion doctor to review my biopsy report and any other scans & lab reports and treat me as a consult or as a potential new patient. Now there are some groups who do make it clear that your visit is only as second opinion.
Sorry that you have to travel so far for any treatment options and that you don’t have any friends or family members living in any near large cities.
You have to protect your kidney so any medical step you take make sure that your nephrologist is in the loop I truly do being CKD stage 3B. I hope that I didn’t muddy
the waters in this long post - sorry.

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