What is the best way to taper off Klonopin?

Posted by kittymama @kittymama, Apr 7, 2019

Can anyone tell me the best way to taper off Klonopin? I feel it does nothing for my anxiety

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For me, I was on 2MG of Clamazapan as well as other bentos when I reolized I must get off. I did a lot on on line research about it and it worked. V very slowly over a couple of months tapering down while tapering up on Valium till I was off the camazapan completely then I slowly went off the valium as well. Best of luck

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I am on 2 mg and have been for a long time. I have epilepsy but this was for my anxiety. I reduced by .25 mg this week. My neurologist said it should be more. Do you think this is a safe amount as I will not reduce for three to four weeks anymore.


I am on 2 mg and have been for a long time. I have epilepsy but this was for my anxiety. I reduced by .25 mg this week. My neurologist said it should be more. Do you think this is a safe amount as I will not reduce for three to four weeks anymore.

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Very slowly - my psychiatrist had me stay at each reduced amount for up to 6 weeks. It took a full year to be fully off of 1.5mg.


Very slowly - my psychiatrist had me stay at each reduced amount for up to 6 weeks. It took a full year to be fully off of 1.5mg.

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Thank you. I have been feeling a mixture of effects this week and will not reduce until effects stop. Trying to find a good psychiatrist for tapering in Orlando/ Clermont area Florida.


Thank you. I have been feeling a mixture of effects this week and will not reduce until effects stop. Trying to find a good psychiatrist for tapering in Orlando/ Clermont area Florida.

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I don't understand why a neurologist would have you taper off any way but slowly. Maybe (s)he doesn't care how awful you feel. I tapered at my own pace from 2mg. I stayed at .25mg for several months, and an 8th even longer. I timed the last stop for when I was starting a new medication for something else. Don't let anyone rush you. Listen to your body. You'll know if you taper too soon.



I totally agree with Jim @jimhd. "Listen to your body." Then adjust accordingly. I took over 2 years to stop but was on a double digit dose for seizures.
The only symptom I had, which was mild was at the end of my taper but I didn't want any side effects so I chipped off very tiny pieces and all was good. You may want to add a little more to stop your effects. Then resume tapering at a slower rate. Tapering slowly doesn't always work, but it's going to give you the best chance of not having any withdrawal symptoms.
Take care,


Hello, I am tapering off klonopin. I was a short time user of about 6 weeks and started my taper at .375mg. I am currently at .15mg. At what dosage should I stop? It took me about 8 weeks to go from .375 to .15. I was planning on .125mg next, then maybe half of that before I stop. Wondering what everyone’s thoughts are. Thanks


Hello, I am tapering off klonopin. I was a short time user of about 6 weeks and started my taper at .375mg. I am currently at .15mg. At what dosage should I stop? It took me about 8 weeks to go from .375 to .15. I was planning on .125mg next, then maybe half of that before I stop. Wondering what everyone’s thoughts are. Thanks

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See schedule below how I weaned from .5 mg Ativan


Hello, I am tapering off klonopin. I was a short time user of about 6 weeks and started my taper at .375mg. I am currently at .15mg. At what dosage should I stop? It took me about 8 weeks to go from .375 to .15. I was planning on .125mg next, then maybe half of that before I stop. Wondering what everyone’s thoughts are. Thanks

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I held at each reduction for 6-8 weeks. By the time I went from 1mg to .125mg, it was like taking nothing so I stopped.


@kittymama I was on 2mg Klonopin for many, many years. Just recently I got my doctor to help me make a plan to get off because it no longer worked for my anxiety. She helped me make a plan to taper by 0.125mg every two weeks. My tablets come in 0.5mg so I take away 1/4 of a tablet every 2 weeks. It is easy because my tablets are scored so they're easy to break into quarter tablets. I take my Klonopin divided into three doses a day. So far it is working but with some increased anxiety and "brain zaps" both of which are hard to cope with but I am determined to get through this. Good luck to you. If I could give any advice it would be to get your doctor involved and keep them involved for the duration of your taper. I see my doctor every 2 weeks. We talk about how I am feeling, do I need to slow the taper, or am I coping with the withdrawal symptoms fairly well. Hope this helps. Blessings.

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You are so fortunate that your physician took the time to educate you. Coming off Benzo's is difficult and I know that the increased anxiety is a result of titration. However, once it's over, in time the anxiety can be managed better with alternative therapies. Good luck to you.


See schedule below how I weaned from .5 mg Ativan

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Thanks for the post. Did you experience any symptoms near the end of your taper?

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