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Aricept 5mg helped my husband for a year and was slowing benefits but after an increase to 10mg there was another significant improvement

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Thanks @boppie! Did Mayo diagnose your husband? How did they determine his diagnosis?

My journey to hell started 1 and 1/2 years ago when I think my husband was at yours’ stage and undiagnosed. He could not draw a clock with correct hands and primary care sent him to neurologist. It took 6 months to get the appointment which was most anxiety causing time for me as I recognized symptoms of a TIA. When he did finally see Dr. They immediately put him on aricept and ordered tests. Tests showed narrowing of his brain arteries which is what is causing issues, not a stroke. He was sent to a speech therapist who worked wonders and I began getting workbooks for him to do “homework” to keep his mind alert. He also does mind games on Lumosity. Com which is VERY helpful and fun. He had not realized his mental loss but now does and is fighting it with my help and encouragement. We also play “password” games and such which the therapist recommended. Hang in there! But get a diagnosis as you will need a base of comparison as things worsen. My husband also had episodes of worsening when he got tongue cancer but was undiagnosed. Now that he has successfully recovered he is improving so other medical issues could be causing some of your husband’s symptoms! Being proactive a but pushing for help is very important. I cry a lot too.