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Diagnosed with colon cancer: Nervous..Help!

Colorectal Cancer | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (70)

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Any suggestions July had a positive colon guard test strike 1 Had colonscopy with questionable polyps strike 2 saw a GI person terrible doc took 2 samples of ? poly cancer contained but network system dragged it out with ever possible tests & repeat same tests just looking to make a buck strike 3 Went to medical center had polp removed it went from a postage stamp size to ping pong size in 3 months Margins not clear. Oncologists & radiologist said surgery will fix this Tumor is on the sphincter muscle Saw surgeon options surgeon suggested removal of cancer & muscles but then have to live with a bag strike 4 do nothing or radio & chemo Husband is living in the world that everything will be sunshins & roses wrong Primary hands out pats on the head & does nothing Insurance company is not cooperating on paying Have another MRI 8 weeks after poly surgery & then have to wait 2 more weeks for results & suggestions Which will be the answer of sorry go crawl in a hole & died. Difficult to find clothes that fit with out a 5 gallon bag hanging on my waist Have expressed how can I keep showing horse with a 5 gallon bag on my waist No answer Sorry this is long but am trying to find some help This has been going on for 8 months with tests no help Suggestions please

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Replies to "Any suggestions July had a positive colon guard test strike 1 Had colonscopy with questionable polyps..."

I think you need to go to a cancer specialist and get a second opinion. I had stage 3 colon cancer nearly 3 years ago and my sigmoid colon was removed. I’ve since used two hospitals one was useless one was excellent. I too wear a bag but you do get used to it. It is saving your life. In my experience it is all down to the hospital and the staff. Best of luck and may you find the help you deserve.