← Return to Radiation therapy after 6 months of G/A chemo treatments

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After having Whipple surgery and 12 folfirinox treatments in 2021, my pancreatic cancer recurred in 2023. I started on G/A in late June 2023, hade 4 cycles (3 weeks on, 1 off) followed by 25 radiation treatments. All was looking good, then tumour marker started climbing again. I’m back on G/A, same routine as before 3 on, 1 off. Mainly tired, some nausea/diarrhea, hair loss. All a small cost to still be here with my family. Waiting to see if this at least slows things down (the waiting part is always hard) . Best wishes to you!

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Replies to "After having Whipple surgery and 12 folfirinox treatments in 2021, my pancreatic cancer recurred in 2023...."

Hello, wondering what area they radiated? And did a tumor reappear in that area?

Thank you for your response. In my case, after 7 cycles of G/A chemo treatments (1 day treatment per week, one week off), I had some tiredness, no nausea and minimal diarrhea. Not sure if my new radiation treatment will change the minimum side effects I expected with the previous G/A chemo…. fingers crossed.
Best wishes to you as well!