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I, too, have struggled with statins. I was first put on Lipitor about 30 years ago (I'm 72). After about 15 years, I began to have muscle cramps/pain in my legs and my doctor switched me to Crestor. I stayed on that for several years, then began to have similar symptoms. I was changed to Pravastatin (one of the oldest) about 10 years ago, and have been okay with that until I had back issues due to stenosis. After surgery to help the stenosis, I noticed that I had PN in my feet... just numbness and tingling.... and I was also having cramping and tightening of muscles in my calves. So I asked my doctor to switch me to Zetia, which is for cholesterol but is not a statin. He reluctantly did so, reminding me that "nothing" would protect me like a statin. I will have been on Zetia for 3 months when I see him for my 6-month check up in March, and I am curious to see what my cholesterol levels are. I am also on Repatha and Vascepa... which have each helped to decrease bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol... and the Repatha cut my triglycerides in half. My leg pain is better since stopping the pravastatin.... but I may ask the doctor to let me try another of the older statins again when I see him in March... because there DOES seem to be an indication that statins prevent cardiovascular disease much more than other drugs. Lowering cholesterol is good.... but it seems that, alone, doesn't decrease the level of plaque build up like statins can. (Of course, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and none of this would matter.😊) I won't know if changing the statin, again, will not cause the muscle pains unless I try a new one to see. I truly think that most of my PN symptoms are coming from residual compression issues in my lower spine. We each try our best to take care of our health, but there are so many factors that enter in. And I don't know that one doctor can have ALL the knowledge. I learn a lot from other patients here in these groups.... and I have always felt that we have to be advocates for our own health... and bring up new treatments/meds with our doctors. Best wishes to all. Mike

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Replies to "I, too, have struggled with statins. I was first put on Lipitor about 30 years ago..."

Stay on the Repatha. There is no sense in going back to a statin if your cholesterol and LDL are good.