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With all of the the research I do regarding my hypothyroidism and osteoporosis, I joke that I could probably pass the MCAT 🙂
My aunt needs help with appts and doctors visits etc. So what happened is, she had her 5th Prolia infusion scheduled for Feb 2022 and when she showed up at the infusion center, she was told that her doctor had informed the infusion center that their practice could no longer prescriber her Prolia. She lives 4 hours away from me so....I had to call her doctor and get a referral to an endocrinologist and I based on what I'd read about rebound fractures, I was in a bit of a crunch to get it done quickly. The endocrinologist, like so many of them, didn't seem to be an osteoporosis expert. I asked about ordering BTMs but they didn't do it so I have never had her BTMs tested. I'm in the process of moving her closer to me in the next couple of months and by that time she will be close to done with the 2 years of alendronate. I plan to have her new doctor order BTMs when she stops the alendronate and again a year later.
I've only been helping her to the extent that I currently am since 2021. I scheduled her 2022 DEXA and I have the results in front of me. Note, she took alendronate for 5 years and then her doctor told her that you aren't supposed to take bisphosphonates indefinitely so she stopped the alendronate and in February 2020 she had her 1st Prolia infusion, She had a told of 4 Prolia shots, the last was in the Fall of 2021. Also, I know that for a while she did HRT but that would have been in the years following menopause and I don't know how many years she was on HRT.
Her 2022 DEXA results (done on a Hologic) shows
Lumbar Spine T-scores
Scan Date 3/22 T-score -1.3
Scan Date 9/19 T-score -1.5
Scan Date 6/15 T-score -2.2
Lumbar Spine T-scores
Scan Date 3/22 T-score -1.3
Scan Date 9/19 T-score -1.5
Scan Date 6/15 T-score -2.2
Total Mean T-scores for Hips
Scan Date 3/22 T-score -1.2
Scan Date 9/19 T-score -1.5
Scan Date 6/15 T-score -1.5
Scan Date 3/22 LEFT T-score -1.4
Scan Date 3/22 RIGHT T-score -1.4
Scan Date 3/22 LEFT T-score -1.2
Scan Date 3/22 RIGHT T-score -1.2
Based on these results, I question why she was ever put on Prolia. I don't have the results of her 2023 DEXA handy (her 2023 DEXA was done approximately 20 months after her last dose of Prolia) but I remember the PA (who kept reading the DEXA report incorrectly) saying that her t-scores had slightly decreased but it was nothing to warrant any concern or change of course.
My aunt doesn't have any fragility fractures and she hasn't experienced any rebound fractures after stopping the Prolia. At again 79.5 she climb Stone Mountain (near Atlanta, GA) with me and she's fallen twice in front of me (doing things that are a good idea for anyone) and has broken anything.
I just found this link two days ago. It's an interview with Dr. McCormick. He says alendronate isn't powerful enough to lock in gains from Prolia, which is news to me. If you test your BTMs and think about the gains, if any that you got from the Prolia, it should help you make the best decision for you. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aon8nx_q0DA
Also someone posted this very helpful BTM link today (also Dr. McCormick) https://food4healthybones.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-Importance-Of-Bone-Markers-With-Dr.-Keith-McCormick.pdf
And while I was searching for info the other day I found this https://www.ccjm.org/content/90/1/26 Note, I don't pretend to understand all of this but like so many others, I am piecing together what I can because I don't have a doctor I can trust, when it comes to my bones.
Here are the results of my BTM labs. My only zoledronic acid infusion was done in 11-2021.
December 2023 130
November 2022 179
Reference Range:
Premenopausal women: 34 - 635
Postmenopausal women: 34 - 1037
P1NP (these were the same exact tests but both were serum tests)
December 2023 33.5
Reference Range:
Premenopausal women: 13.9 - 89.1
Postmenopausal women: 10.4 - 97.8
November 2022 20
Reference Range:
Premenopausal women: 19 - 83
Postmenopausal women: 16 - 96
NTx (urine)
December 2023 13
The reference range on this is detailed but the lab results state that women with a baseline NTx value of >38 are at significant risk for a decrease in BMD. Then they list some probabilities for potential decrease of BMD and 13 is below the bottom range listed (which is 18 - 38) so I think I'm ok here. LOL.
NTx (serum)
November 2022 15.7
Reference Range:
December 2023 9.4
November 2022 8.8
Reference Range:
Premenopausal women: 4.9 - 30.9
Postmenopausal women: 9.4 - 47.4
Here a little info on NTx (serum and urine tests) https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2093977-overview?form=fpf
Replies to "With all of the the research I do regarding my hypothyroidism and osteoporosis, I joke that..."
Thank you for your very detailed reply!
Based on your aunt's TScores, I am astonished that her doctor put her on Prolia which should rightly only be used for those at high risk of fractures and where other meds prove ineffective. It is probably fortunate that the doctor was not able to continue prescribing Prolia because there's no sure way of mitigating the rebound effect once you have been on Prolia for 4, 5 or more years
Thanks for the youtube link and the very useful pdf. I have seen another interview where Dr McCormick expressed his view that, for 3 or more Prolia shots, Alendronate is not potent enough to mitigate rebound and you would need to use Reclast (zoledronic acid). But i have read other sources that say Alendronate is ok for up to around 2-2.5 years of Prolia (see link below):
Also, the following is a youtube video where the doctor recommends the use of Alendronate for someone who has been on Prolia for 2 years:
It's likely that your aunt's active lifestyle precluded any rebound fractures. Also, it's been speculated that treatment with bisphosphonates prior to Prolia may help in mitigating the rebound effect
Did you do any BTM labs before starting treatment to use as baseline reference? You did your zol infusion in Nov 21 and your CTX in Nov 22 is 179. But a year later in Dec 23, your CTX is 130 (?). I would have expected your CTX to go up as you were not on any other osteo med after your zol infusion more than 2 years ago
Edit: saw from your earlier posts that you did not have any baseline BTMs done and your low CTX could be due to your hypothyroidism. I agree with your assessment that anti-resorptives are probably not appropriate for treating your bones. Are you currently considering anabolics? Personally, i am cautious about any osteo med and i want to give drug-free treatment a chance