Stage 4 Metatasized to Bones- Anyone at 10 years?

Posted by cal77 @cal77, Dec 30, 2023

For an otherwise healthy male, are there those of you that are still around for 10 years? I'm recently diagnosed and at 7 Urologist said I have maybe 4 years, but then I see others out there are still around at 10 years...Is everyone different?

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Look also at Lu 177

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Fucj Try it anyway


Plan for 4 years hope for 10 years. It is somewhat imprecise. Good Luck. I got the same project toons 30 months ago


The oncologists that I now see don't give estimates as all cases, to some extent at least, are individual. The first one I saw, who practices at a major medical center, gave me five years max. I decided to seek help at another major medical center for a second opinion. I am also getting consultations at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. (I have seen the studies that show that patients getting treatment at NIH-recognized cancer centers tend to have better outcomes.)
If I make it to August, and I believe I will, I will have five years since diagnoses of advanced prostate cancer. My two latest PSMA PET scans, including one this month, are not able to detect the cancer cells in spite of a rising PSA, likely because they are still too small. Hopefully when they become detectable, they will be treatable. This brings home the importance of aggressive monitoring of your condition.
BTW, I had my prostate removed, had salvage radiation and was on ADT for two years. My PSA went from 54 to undetectable until this time last year, when it started rising. I am 71 years old.

Warm regards,
State of Washington

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Good for you! Love to hear that story. Johns Hopkins individualizes treatment and is on the cutting edge. I had vey limited metastatic disease and had Chemo, radiation to T8 and pelvis, Darolutamide and ADT for one year. PSA undetectable. MY JH MO plans to follow PSA and when (if!) gets to 0.1, image with PSMA PET and radiate any detectable mets +/- 3 months of ADT. Sounds like a plan. At initial consult he said I should only consider MO/Medical Centers that individualize treatment.


Good for you! Love to hear that story. Johns Hopkins individualizes treatment and is on the cutting edge. I had vey limited metastatic disease and had Chemo, radiation to T8 and pelvis, Darolutamide and ADT for one year. PSA undetectable. MY JH MO plans to follow PSA and when (if!) gets to 0.1, image with PSMA PET and radiate any detectable mets +/- 3 months of ADT. Sounds like a plan. At initial consult he said I should only consider MO/Medical Centers that individualize treatment.

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Chemo will help much

Pray Precious blood of Jesus heal me

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Thanku and god bless him 🙏


Look also at Lu 177

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Thank you first one minute injection of Radium 133 tomorrow at CVH

Radium 223 for Prostate Cancer: Benefits and Side Effects (

Everyone IS different. My husband is 14 yrs out from diagnosis. Metastasis to bones started a few years ago. Oral chemo worked for about 18 months. He had decided he would not go thru conventional chemo. I have supported him in that decision even though it could add several years to his life. Quality of life is more important. (This is my 2nd journey with a husband with prostate cancer. My ex had it 30+ yrs ago.) I can assure you that new treatments & medications are being developed all the time. Even in the 14 years of my husband’s journey we are finding new treatments that weren’t available a few years ago. At time of his original diagnosis he also was given 4-5 years. Or more correctly we were told that’s the “average” time from diagnosis to demise. It is a wake up call to get life in order & decide how to spend remaining years. But many exceed that number of years. Don’t give up hope!

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Get on Radium 223 No side effects Zyofigo 6 injections 4 weeks apart takes 5 minutes and go home


Get on Radium 223 No side effects Zyofigo 6 injections 4 weeks apart takes 5 minutes and go home

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My husband is currently on this regimen. He’s thru 4 of the 6. It is palliative only for him - intended to reduce the size of the tumors to prevent spontaneous fractures & thereby improve quality of life. The cost - covered by VA - is $50,000. per infusion. I did some research & found just the vial of the Radium is almost $30,000. The balance is the associated costs. I don’t know what folks without insurance coverage do.

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