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I'm on 40mg Esomaprazole + 20mg Pepcid at night. My doc has prescribed Linzess 145. Tried that and it constipated me further (vs the intended opposite) so I stopped after 3 days. How has it helped you? Maybe it's dosage for me?

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Replies to "I'm on 40mg Esomaprazole + 20mg Pepcid at night. My doc has prescribed Linzess 145. Tried..."

WOW. I am on 72 mcg of Linzess at night. If I get in a "bind" I take milk of magnesia and most of the time that works. Miralax is very hard to regulate the dosage on. Have you tried a stool softener? That helps a lot of folks. Are you drinking enough water? That helps. Also, I try and eat a pear & apple a day. Pears have a lot of pulp which is good fiber. I also eat a good fiber ceral like Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat, Cracklin Oat Bran or Oat Meal with raisins, nuts and I put an apple on top. I also take Magnesium 200 mg daily. Nexium (Esopaprazole) never did work for me. I am amazed that Linzess made you worse. I question if you have a mild blockage of hard stool....what do you think? Sometimes coffee helps in the a.m. If I go and eat junk food (I rarely do this as I'm trying to eat clean) it works great when I'm in a "bind". Muscle relaxants and other meds can cause constipation. Check your meds and see if any of the side effects cause constipation. 2022 year with COVID did a number on my gut and IBS-C. I had to keep trying different things. Can you tolerate pitted dates? They work. I'm finally down to 1 Protonix 20 mg a day and 1 Pepcid AC at night. Stay away from a lot of cheese & dairy....they are constipating. Praying for you. I believe you are going to get better. It just takes time. I understand and I care.